Draw the Earth! Take a few minutes to draw the Earth using only your memory! Earth =
Earth: This is a typical view of the planet. But why?…
Is something wrong with this picture?!?
Or how about this Earth?
5 Or this map?
6 How big is Africa?
Earth’s shape stays the same but our perception of it is always changing. For example, all those maps were of the same planet, but they all looked different. But regardless of one’s perception of the Earth, humans have come to depend on maps and physical landmarks to find their way around. How do you think cavemen got around their environment?
Using nature to navigate 1. Stars 2. Landmarks, Using a tool or device to navigate 1. Map 2. Compass & GPS HOW DO I GET THERE?
9 What’s up with North? Humans have created four compass directions 8
10 North can be down! S E W N
11 Physical map 10
12 Political map 11
13 Hemispheres:North and South Separated by the equator
14 Northern Hemisphere North America, Europe Almost all of Asia 2/3 of Africa Northern reaches of South America
15 Southern Hemisphere Antarctica, Australia Most of South America 1/3 of Africa, small sliver of Asia
16 Hemispheres: East and West Separated by the Prime Meridian
17 Eastern Hemisphere Asia, Australia Most of Africa & Europe 1/2 of Antarctica
18 Western Hemisphere North & South America 1/2 of Antarctica Small portion of Africa & Europe
19 The 7 Continents