By Ava Mason Click a button to choose which page you want to see! Introduction Olympic values Getting Active Healthy eating Feeling good inside
Small Steps 4 Life program helps promote Getting Active, Feeling Good, Eating well and understanding the Olympic values. It is targeted at young people and there families to support positive attitude to being healthy, all around the UK. It is a successful program to ensure a healthier life for all young people. Feeling good Getting Active Eat well Olympic values Click one of the images when finished this slide, if you have finished all the slides, click here. This shows that a lot of people think they are quite healthy, and hardly anyone thinks they are extremely healthy. The amount of people who think they are not healthy at all is outrageous. This is why Small Steps 4 Life are trying to reduce the amount of unhealthy young people in the world today.
The Olympic values show how participating and committing to activities, help promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Striving to achieve in personal goals, as well as every day goals. One of the most important Olympic values is excellence. This means trying to do the best of your ability, in all parts of your life. Small Steps 4 Life promote the Olympic values, even excellence. They do this by incorporating values into there program. They try to promote the Olympic fact that contributing is more important then winning. Feeling good Introduction Getting Active Eat well Click one of the images when finished this slide, if you have finished all the slides, click here:
This part of Small Steps 4 Life shows different ways of getting active. They cover a variety of activities which can include every day activities, which are easier and less strenuous. Some of these activities differ from star jumps to walking to school. Or, hopping to keeping a tennis ball up. The key part of this section is setting a personal goal every week. This means planning what activities to do and for how long each week, to regularly keep active during every day life. There are many reasons why people should become more active. These include feeling happier and more relaxed, becoming more flexible, become fitter and stronger and having a healthy heart. As well as maintaining a healthy weight and of course, having fun! Feeling good Introduction Eat well Olympic values Click one of the images when finished this slide, if you have finished all the slides, click here:
Eating well is a very important part of the Small Steps 4 Life program. Eating well helps you gain the nutrients you need to stay energetic and healthy, throughout regular days. Some of the ways Small Steps 4 Life give to eat well are simple, such as eating breakfast, drinking more water and snacking on fruit. Some of the other challenges include trying a new nutritious food every week and recording the amount of fruit you eat after setting a target number. A lot of young people these days do not eat healthily, and eat fattening foods in enlarged proportions. This means it is very important to eat well, so that young people all over the UK can become healthier, to prevent suffering from any medical problems. Some of these medical problems differ from obesity to anorexia. Feeling good Introduction Olympic values Getting Active Click one of the images when finished this slide, if you have finished all the slides, click here:
Feeling Good can also be known as emotional health. It involves being confident and happy throughout all life’s ups and downs. Small Steps 4 life have various activities to keep young people feeling good. Some of the ways to feeling good is staying upbeat, getting rest, having fun, enjoying the moment, talking to friends and keeping relaxed. The activities you can do to achieve these morals, are being enthusiastic, keeping positive, talking to friends and having at least 8 hours sleep. They also believe that helping others and having some time for yourself every day, helps you to feel good. People believe that staying active and talking to friends are the best ways to feeling good. Introduction Olympic values Getting Active Eat well Click one of the images when finished this slide, if you have finished all the slides, click here:
If you want to see a slide again, click one of the images now. Introduction Olympic values Getting Active Healthy eating Feeling good inside “The images used in all these slides must be replaced to copyright free images as intended.”