Lesson 11
Your Presentation should last no more than 5 minutes and every member of the group MUST contribute! By the end of this lesson you will: Have created a PowerPoint presentation on your chosen app in readiness to pitch to the audience, securing their investment. You should have at least 4 slides showing: 1.The name of your app 2.What it does 3.Who your target audience is 4.Why should we invest in your app?
Did they: 1.Present clearly 2.Use persuasive language 3.Listen and respond to questions 4.Use facts to back up their arguments Now try and put that into practice with your own presentations Watch this example of a pitch on Dragon’s Den. What is good about it? 10 Mins
Make your presentation professional 1.Give yourself a company name and assign roles in the team 2.Use images from your app - take screenshots 3.Don’t put too much text on it 4.Use a font style that is easy to read 5.Explain why your app is unique/good – be persuasive! 6.Give your slides a theme 7.Sell your app to the audience – they have to decide which one they would invest in!
Its easy to use Its free It has good graphics and images Its useful Its challenging Its fun The information is always up to date Its colourful and eye- catching Its quick
Each group undertake a progress review Do you each know what you are presenting next lesson? If your pitch isn’t finished yet, organise a time to work on it to get it finished! REMEMBER IT IS A COMPETITION … 5 Mins
By the end of this lesson you will: Have created a PowerPoint presentation on your chosen app in readiness to pitch to the audience, securing their investment. You should have at least 4 slides showing: 1.The name of your app 2.What it does 3.Who your target audience is 4.Why should we invest in your app?