Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy Economic Performance Bill of Rights Economic Indicators
-Name the term describing how the government taxes and spends its revenue? Row Question
-fiscal policy Row Answer
-What should be the effect on the economy if the government increases its spending? Row Question
-economy increases Row Answer
-What effect on the economy occurs if the government decreases taxes? Row Question
-economy increases Row Answer
-Keynesian economics states that governments should _____________ spending during a recession. Row Question
-increase Row Answer
-What term is used to describe gov’t effort to increase the economy with tax decreases? Row Question
-supply side economics / trickle down economics Row Answer
-What part of the government is responsible for controlling the money supply? Row Question
-Federal Reserve Row Answer
-Name this method of regulating the money supply-- allowing less money to be created within the economy--- usually through higher interest rates? Row Question
-tight money policy Row Answer
Row Question -Name this method of regulating the money supply-- allowing more money to be created within the economy— usually through lower interest rates?
-loose / easy money policy Row Answer
Row Question --This is the idea of the government regulating the amount of money in circulation?
-monetary policy Row Answer
-The government also controls the money supply by buying or selling these to consumers? Row Question
-Savings Bonds Row Answer
-This is a term for the cyclical ups and downs of the economy? Row Question
-business cycle Row Answer
-This is the phase where the economy is growing? Row Question
-expansion Row Answer
-This is the phase where the economy has reached its highest point? Row Question
-peak Row Answer
-This is the phase where the economy is beginning to decrease? Row Question
-contraction Row Answer
-This is the phase where the economy has reached its lowest point? Row Question
-trough Row Answer
-This is the term for an economy that has been in a low point for an extended period of time? Row Question
-recession / depression Row Answer
-This is a measure of how well a person lives? Row Question
-Standard of Living Row Answer
-What is the value of all the goods and services produced in the nation each year? Row Question
-GDP Row Answer
-Term for the general rise in the value of goods and services—rise in inflation caused value of money to decrease? Row Question
-Inflation Row Answer
-This is a survey of many goods and services that are compared to the same goods and services over time to measure the increase or decrease in prices? Row Question
-Consumer Price Index Row Answer
-List all five parts of the 1st Amendment? Row Question
-speech, press, religion, assembly, petition Row Answer
-What right does the 2nd protect? Row Question
-bear arms Row Answer
-The 5th describes this power of the government to take land from citizens when needed for public benefit as long as the citizen is compensated. Row Question
-eminent domain Row Answer
-The 5th details this type of jury that determines whether there is enough evidence in a case to formally charge (indict) someone with the crime. Row Question
-grand jury Row Answer
-Who does the 10th Amendment give all remaining power? Row Question
-states or the people Row Answer