Education is fundamental. Education is sharing. Open Education starts with an idea:
Open Education Terms Open Educational Resources OpenCourseWare Open Educational Practice Open Textbooks = Free and Open
Free no cost Open No cost + permission to change By Adam Bartlett By Sean MacEntee
Who we are
Why Open Education?
Shifting Global Realities
Shifting Global Realities: Population and demand for education
Percentage of population <15
Current global capacity in higher education is not sufficient for present or future demand By James Cridland
Shifting Global Realities: Information Age
Resources can come from everywhere Interactivity and learning support can come from anywhere
Shifting Global Realities: Globalization
300+ institutions and organizations worldwide Pan-African
Shifting Global Realities: Education is expensive
Free no cost Open No cost + permission to change By Adam Bartlett By Sean MacEntee
Shifting Global Realities: Uneven ICT infrastructure
Can make OERs print and still be cost effective – US $5.23 for 220 page open textbook printed Goal of OER is to improve access to high quality education and facilitate improvements in teaching and learning By Opensourseway
However… Technology is rapidly changing and impacting daily life across sectors and socio-economic indicators
From nothing to biggest money transfer system in Kenya in 5 years Source:
Impacting broad swath of society Transformative change Source:
How can we support you?
Create networks for support of projects Help finding international collaborators
Increase visibility of your universities, professors and diversity of educational and social contexts
We need your participation We invite you to join us