Nicholas DiPreta
Science of light How light behaves and interacts with matter
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Cavity, with plane or spherical mirrors at the ends, that is filled with lasable material
Optical Tweezers momentum of photons in a focused laser beam to exert a force on and ultimately trap microscopic particles Manipulate microscopic matter DNA
beams of light with helical wave fronts that resemble a corkscrew used in optical tweezers –torque quantum computing - ability to represent more than two logical states.
Ex: liquid lens Could help to enable ground based telescopes to view more accurate images Variable lenses affect the wave front aberrations
C. Rotschild, S. Zommer, S. Moed, O. Hershcovitz, and S.G. Lipson, ``Adjustable Spiral Phase Plate,'' Applied Optics, April M.W.Beijersbergen et al., Optics Commun. 96 (1994) p LTC