Making PBL Work! How to engage young learners
Problem Based Learning
What is PBL? PBL is a way to have students become the directors of their own learning Teachers become a guide not a taskmaster
What is PBL? Students take on the task of solving real world problems themselves Each student in the group must adopt a role that will support the final project
What is PBL? High expectations Caring relationships Meaningful participation Flexible
WHAT IS PBL TO ME? Project Based Learning is a way for different students with varying abilities and strengths that might not otherwise be recognized in the traditional school approach to showcase their talents.
A crisis of disengagement Industrial vs. Information age Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants
WHY PBL? THREE TYPES OF STUDENTS Self Motivated Playing School Tuning out
WHY PBL? In 2008, 61% of NB students reported that most of their class time was used to sit and listen to the teacher speak
WHY PBL? Only 42% felt that they were inspired to learn in school And 39% felt that it was important to do well in school
Projects Vs. PBL
PBL #1 What we did
The process What about group work? Edmodo / Virtual school Journaling
The process Crafting the driving question Planning… Before & during
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