Mercantilism An economic system where a nation establishes colonies to provide raw materials and serve as a market for manufactured goods creating a favorable balance of trade for that country which in turn increases that nation’s wealth and power.
Goals of Mercantilism To become wealthiest, most powerful nation Become self-sufficient = meet all needs within the empire Develop favorable balance of trade Export more than import = profit
Exporting more than you import Favorable Balance of Trade Exporting more than you import Exports: goods that are sent from your country to another or to your colony to be sold Imports: goods brought into your country from another country or from your colony
Favorable Balance of Trade pg. 52 in Textbook
Mercantilism in Effect Establish colonies Build colonial empire to provide base of raw materials and market for manufactured goods Develop strong military Strong army and navy to defend empire Navy especially important to protect trade Make rules/policies Must maintain control over colonies and protect from foreign interference
French Mercantilism
Purpose of Colonies/Benefits to Mother Country Raw materials for manufacturing industry or re-export (trade) Markets for manufacturing goods Growth of merchant fleet Additional bases for Navy
Benefits for Colonies Bounties: incentive payments to encourage production of highly desired goods (tobacco) Steady market for raw materials & cash crops Defense -> protect colonies Shipbuilding industry developed in colonies
Enforcement of Mercantilism Restrictions on buying Buy only from mother country; duties on foreign goods Restrictions on selling Could only ship/sell to mother country(enumerated goods) Restrictions on shipping All trade only on mother county’s ships, all goods shipped through mother country’ Restrictions on manufacturing Prohibited in colonies: keep colonies dependent on mother country, prevent competition (monopoly)
Cons of Mercantilism Limited profits of colonists (threatened prosperity) Foreign goods more expensive (taxes) Colonists resentful of restrictions Colonists treated as inferiors – “colonials” Need for cheap labor leads to slavery
Viewpoint on Mercantilism Thomas Mun “Although a kingdom may be enriched by gifts received, or by purchases taken from some other nations, yet these things are uncertain and of small consideration when they happen. The ordinary means therefore to increase our wealth and treasure is by foreign trade, where we must observe this rule: to sell more to strangers yearly than we consume of theirs in value.”
Viewpoint on Mercantilism Adam Smith “Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer. The maxim is so perfectly self-evident, that it would be absurd to attempt to prove it. But in the mercantile system, the interest of the consumer is almost constantly sacrificed to that of the producer. And it seems to consider production and not consumption, as the ultimate end of all industry and commerce.”
QuickWrite #4 The mercantilist system would/would not be an effective system to a country and its colonies because…