English Monarchs vs. Parliament “The Battle Royal”
Elizabeth I ( ) Conflict over money Left a huge debt when she died
James I ( ) Conflict over money Did not enact reforms that Puritans wanted Did accept a new translation of the Bible
Charles I ( ) Needed money to fund wars with Spain and France- Parliament refused Dissolved Parliament Ignored Petition of Right Civil unrest led to Civil War –Royalists (Cavaliers) vs. Roundheads Charles was captured and put to death
*Oliver Cromwell ( ) Abolished the monarchy and House of Lords Established a Commonwealth 1653 sent home rest of Parliament Created a written Constitution but eventually became dictator
Charles II ( ) Restored the monarchy Habeas Corpus- guarantee of freedom Right to a trial Died without a legitimate heir and Parliament argued over who would succeed
James II ( ) Catholic Dissolved Parliament for protesting his Catholic appointments to high offices (against English Law) Forced him to flee in fear he would start a line of Catholic English Kings
William and Mary Protestants (Mary daughter of James II) Invited to overthrow James II They brought an army but did not have to fight
Glorious Revolution (1688) A bloodless overthrow of the king
Constitutional Monarchy Laws limit the power of the king
Bill of Rights (1689) List of things a ruler could NOT do No suspension of Parliament’s laws No levy of taxes without permission No interference with Freedom of Speech No penalty for petitioning the king
Cabinet A group of government ministers or officials that represent the majority of Parliament and act on behalf of the king