State and Local Government Target: I can explain Federalism and the structure of our state government.
Governmental Structure Federal Government State Government Local Government Two separate tiers of Local Government County Level Municipality
Federalism System of government in which a written constitution divides power on a territorial basis Simply, there are powers that belong to the federal government, there are powers that belong to the state government, and there are powers that they share
Federalism National GovernmentState Government Reserved Powers Set rule regarding marriage, consumption Set regulations for professional licenses Delegated Powers Powers that are denied to State Gov’t Can’t deny freedom of religion, speech, etc. Concurrent Powers Shared by both
10 th Amendment “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This establishes the right of states to establish local government
State Government in Ohio Follows the Federal Structure Executive Governor Legislative General Assembly Judicial Supreme Court House of Representatives Senate
County Level Established by State Constitutions In some states they are referred to as Parishes or Boroughs Some states have abolished the County Level In many rural areas, there are no municipalities so the county government takes their place
Municipal Governments Established by State Constitutions Can be one of several designations Municipality, town, township, city, village, borough
Local Government in Ohio As each state creates regulations for local government in their constitution, we will focus on Ohio
Ohio Townships All county land in Ohio is divided into townships There are over 1,000 townships in Ohio A village or a city may remove itself from a township when it reaches appropriate population requirements
Ohio Villages In Ohio, a village is an incorporated municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants but more than 1,600 inhabitants
Ohio Cities If a village exceeds 5,000 inhabitants then it becomes a city As a city, the municipal government may now collect income taxes to fund expenses Taxes can vary from.3 % to 3 % These taxes will be used to provide municipal services (snow plowing, parks, pool, etc.) Many Ohio Cities further divide themselves into wards, or smaller sections that allow a more intimate relationship between elected officials and their constituents
Ohio School Districts There are more than 600 city, local, and exempted village school districts providing K-12 education in Ohio. The borders of the school district do not strictly follow county, township, or municipal borders. Each School District will have a board of education that oversees the schools in the district