-To conduct enquiry into HTH practices and structures and then share findings - To discuss how schools work together with shared vision/ training new staff - To use/experience HTH protocols for collegial conversation - To develop future curriculum and structure plans for your school - To see the primary/middle/secondary schools in action (21 st century learning)
High Tech High began in 2000 as a single charter high school launched by a coalition of San Diego business leaders and educators. It has evolved into an integrated network of schools spanning grades K-12, housing a comprehensive teacher certification program and a new, innovative Graduate School of Education.
Basic skills, for example reading and maths are taught independently but also integrated within projects.
- Understanding of the HTH principals of Project Based Learning (PBL) - How to produce high quality outcomes through a process of multiple drafting, peer critique and exhibition - Designing a curriculum that connects to the real world, has a real context and leads to real outcomes - Projects are co-constructed and driven by an “Essential Question” - “Project Tuning” before project starts to ensure highest quality learning - Strong emphasis on the teacher as facilitator - Development of skills for learning intrinsic to practice - Language for Learning - Relationships are key - Teacher Odyssey - Design ideas for the new build at Fox Hill - Affirmation that our CPD, Leadership and Governance is a strength
Here is a short film to show some of the key learning that took place.
- Reflection on what we saw, how this best fits with our current practice and what would we like to develop as a result of the visit - Plan CPD and INSET for 2013 / 2014 to introduce elements of PBL – ie Project Tuning, links to the real world, multiple draft and peer critique, exhibitions and presentations of learning - Develop our own Teacher Odyssey similar to our current NQT package - Teacher exchange opportunities – with Hartsholme Academy and HTH - Incorporate design ideas for the new build at Fox Hill - Learning links established with HTH, Hartsholme Academy and Humberstone Junior School as part of the EOS TSA and beyond - DTL taking a strategic lead on development of PBL and Immersive Curriculum - Family become “Pathfinder Schools” with Whole Education / Innovation Unit