Supporting High School Completion Treaty 7 Curriculum Coordinator Presentation October 2012
Objectives for today Share a variety of resources that could support you in your work Provide time for you to explore and engage in conversations around resources that can support success for all students
Think About…. What does high school completion mean? What does high school success mean? Share your thinking…..
High School Completion Animate Video
Five Core Strategies Student Engagement Successful Transitions Collaborative Partnerships Positive Connections Tracking Progress
Project Learnings 1. Knowing students deeply supports personalized instruction providing wraparound services when needed 2. Instructional practices matter, including authentic project-based learning and instruction interdisciplinary approaches balanced assessment Engaging all Students; Action on High School Success
3. Building relationships and connecting kids to adults makes a difference 4. Providing guidance and support through transitions is critical 5. Listening to and acting on student voice builds engagement 6. Tracking student progress is key TELL them FROM me; FastForward
7. Engaging with your local community to guide rethinking is imperative in effecting change 8. Leadership is critical in supporting rethinking shifts in school structure, culture and pedagogy High School Flexibility Enhancement Project; Learning for the 21 st Century
Supporting Local Context
Collaborative Connections In Support of High School Completion FNMI and Field Services Re-Thinking High School Symposium Successful Transitions Empowering the Spirit Forum wiki Cross Ministry Services Branch Collaborating with Parents/Respecting Cultural Diversity video Collaborative Practices Information Bank Towards Collaborative Practices
Collaborative Connections Supporting High School Completion Cross Curriculum Infusion Inclusive Education Library Making a Difference Alis Gov. of Alberta Pathway Planning University of Alberta AARI Project - JP Das Centre
Task: Resource Sharing Read through and become familiar with the resource material/website selected. Be prepared to share key concepts with your colleagues. What resonated with you as you listened to your colleagues share? How might this assist your authority?
January High School Symposium Sample webinars and discussion guides – Re-Thinking High School: Setting the Context – The Use of Formative Assessment – Engaging Students Through Guided Inquiry – Making it Work: Successful Transitions for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students – Collaborative Teaching Approaches – A Focus on Adolescent Literacy
Successful Transitions
Collaborating with Parents Respecting Cultural Diversity Tip Sheets (in packages) Tip Sheets (in packages) Learning Guides Learning Guides Videos Videos 16
Collaborative Practices practices/knowledge-mobilization.aspx practices/knowledge-mobilization.aspx New Material Collaborating for parents videos and tip sheets Collaborative practices videos and guides Train the Trainer materials Collaborative Practices Information Bank Print materials - updated 17 DRAFT
Towards Collaborative Practices Videos, conversation starters and guides to build collaborative practice skills. 18
IEPT Library of Supports
Making a Difference Meeting diverse learning needs with differentiated instructions Review of Chapter 5 Differentiated Learning Experiences
High School Supports
Empowering the Spirit Forum wiki
Task: Resource Sharing Read through and become familiar with the resource material/website selected. Be prepared to share key concepts with your colleagues. What resonated with you as you listened to your colleagues share? How might this assist your authority?
Supporting your Authorities After being involved in today’s session, please consider the following questions: 1. What resources will you consider sharing as you support your authority’s local context? What are you taking back to your authority? 2. What could be your starting point for sharing these resources with your colleagues?
High School Completion is everybody’s business….
High School Completion Team Pam Halverson - Project Lead Dana Antaya-Moore - Education Manager Mary Michailides - Education Manager