Magna Carta: 1215--- English nobles forced the king to sign an agreement. This document limited the power of the monarch by guaranteeing that no one would.


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Presentation transcript:

Magna Carta: English nobles forced the king to sign an agreement. This document limited the power of the monarch by guaranteeing that no one would be above the law, not even a king or queen. The House of Burgesses: In Virginia-the first legislature in North America elected by the people. In 1619, landowning male colonist cast ballots for burgesses or representatives. The burgesses help make laws for the colony. The Virginia Company also gave the colonist the right to take part in their own government. The Mayflower Compact: Signed by the Pilgrims in 1620, stands as the first example of many colonial plans for self-government. The Mayflower Compact was a key step in the development of representative, democratic government in America. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut: This document serves as the first written constitution in America. The document describes the organization of representative government in detail. This document also, reflected a belief of in democratic principles. English Bill of Rights: This document further restricted the monarch’s power. It also guaranteed free elections to Parliament (England’s Legislature), the right to a fair trial, and the elimination of cruel and unusual punishment.

 What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact?  Why do you think the Mayflower Compact was necessary?  What Agreement did the English Nobles force the King to sign in 1215?  How did the Magna Carta Limit the power of the monarch?  How did the English Bill of Rights restrict the monarch’s power?  What was the document signed by the Pilgrims that was the first example of a colonial plan for self- government?

 How does Early English government Impact the government we have today?