Moral Sangat Dekat Dengan: Disiplin Pelanggaran Karakter (moral) Act out of control Pendidikan Interaksi
Moral Growth as a Developmental Process: Piaget: stages of cognitive development, Erikson: stages of personal development, Kohlberg: stages of moral development; diturunkan dari sistem berpikir, krn respon terhadap pertanyaan2 moral tergantung pada latar belakang dan umur. 4 komponen: Qualitatively different Comprehensive system of mental invariant sequence Age-related
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Growth Basis of JudgmentStages of Development Preconventional morality: moral values residing external, quasi-physical happenings, in bad acts, or in quasi-physical needs rather than in persons and standards Stage 1: Obedience and punishment orientation. Obedience and moral decisions are based on very simple physical and material power. "Big fish eat little fish", “Might makes right”, “The survival of the fit test”. Egocentric difference to superior power or prestige, or a trouble-avoiding set. Behavior is based on the desire to avoid severe physical punishment by a superior power. Stage 2: Naively egoistic orientation; watch out for number one. Right action is that instrumentally satisfying one’s own and occasionally others’ needs and perspectives. The orientation is materialistic. Naive egalitarianism and orientation to exchange and reciprocity
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Growth (lanjutan….) Basis of JudgmentStages of Development Conventional morality: moral values reside in performing good or right roles, in maintaining the conventional order, and meeting others’ expectations Stage 3: Orientation to approval and to pleasing and helping others. “Good-boy” orientation. Conformity and being nice. Moral behavior is other-directed. Behavior conforms strictly to the fixed conventions of the society in which we live. Illustrate: Behavior by referring to the comic strip character. Stage 4: Morality has a law-and-order orientation. Follow the rules. Moral judgments are based on fixed and unchanging rules that everyone is duty bound to obey without question. The person looks outward either to some what superficial social conventions or to laws and rules. Moral behavior assumes that laws are static and unchanging and that it is our duty to obey we sink into anarchy.
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Growth (lanjutan….) Basis of JudgmentStages of Development Postconventional morality: moral values are derived from principles which can be applied universally Stage 5: Contractual-legalistic orientation. System of laws. Recognition of an element in rules or expectations of agreement. Duty defined in terms of contract. Moral thinking and judgments are complex and comprehensive. We have to account simultaneously for all the situational aspects, motivations, and general principles involved. Stage 6: Orientation to conscience or principles, not only to ordained social rules but to principles of choice appealing to logical universality and consistency. Universal Principles (such as justice). System laws (written constitution), and unwritten, and universal principles
Comparison of Piaget and Kohlberg Piaget (cognitive stage)Kohlberg (Moral Stage) Sensori motor0 -9 Preconventional (stage 1 and 2) 2 – 7 Intuitive / preoperational 7 – 11 operational/ concrete9 – 15 Conventional ( stage 3 and 4) 11 – up Formal/ abstract thinking16 – up Postconventional (stage 5 and 6)
Pertanyaannya: 1. Dapatkah kita mempercepat perkembangan moral? 2. Moral judgment vs moral action?