Strategy: The Loop Step One: Find lead words – 30 seconds – Find the lead words and phrases “key words” in the questions and mark them – IF a question does not contain lead “key” words than skip it!
The Loop Step Two: Scan the passage – 30 seconds – Scan the passage for the “lead words” you highlighted in question as well as words that are similar or similar in meaning of the lead words – Scanning the passage means your eyes should go over the entire passage FAST to try and spot the identified lead words
How does step one and two help you? You avoid wasting time to read and comprehend the entire passage You identify places in the passage likely to provide answers to questions you will be asked – it is these places that you will read more carefully when the time comes
The Loop Step Three: Skim and Scribble Skim – read FAST – uncomfortably FAST Scribble – jot notes in margin after each paragraph – what is it about? When skimming and scribbling look for trigger words – they signal a change in direction in the passage
Trigger words: Despite However In spite of Yet Notwithstanding Ironically Therefore Rather Hence Unfortunately Consequently But On the contrary On the other hand nonetheless
The Loop Step Four: Practice the Loop You should have 40 seconds per question IF you are trying to complete all 4 passages 1 – go to first question that points to an answer. Read it carefully and make sure you understand what it is asking 2 – Return to appropriate portion of passage (either you underlined it or the question sends you there) – READ IT CAREFULLY – and formulate your own answer 3 – Go back to the question and pick the answer choice that resembles your personal answer the most *****LOOK OUT FOR YOUR DISTRACTERS*******
Strategy Recap Start with the reading passage that you are most interested in Practice “The Loop” to familiarize yourself with questions and potential answers Triage – if you don’t know – bale on it and come back – should read each question 3 times before… Letter of the Day!