Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice JOHN HOWARD GALINDO S ELT CONSULTANT
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant OBJECTIVES 1.Learning Strategies: an overview of some theorists. 2.Easy to do exercises for the everyday classes. 3.Making our own activities.
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant HOW MUCH DO WE KNOW ABOUT LEARNING STRATEGIES? Organize groups of 4 o 5 people (just look around you). Along with your new crew, try to make an advertisement campaign for your English class. (draw a poster, write a slogan, etc.) You’ve got 10 minutes…9 minutes… 10/24/ :08:47 AM10/24/ :08:47 AM10/24/ :08:47 AM
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Weinstein and Mayer in Wittrock (1986) "behaviors and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning, and that are intended to influence the learner's encoding process. Nisbet and Shucksmith (1986) "the processes that underlie performance on thinking tasks.“…”strategies are more than simple sequences or agglomerations of skills” SOME DEFINITIONS OF LEARNING STRATEGIES Rebecca Oxford, (1990) “Specific actions, behaviors, steps or techniques students use, in order to improve their learning process in a foreign language. Such strategies make the learning easier, faster, more effective, more autonomous, more fun and allows to get the learnt knowledge transferred to new situations.
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Learning Strategies Direct Strategies Indirect Strategies Memory strategies Memory strategies Cognitive Strategies Compensation Strategies Metacognitive Strategies Affective Strategies Social Strategies
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Memory strategies Creating Mental Images Employing Action Applying Images and Sounds Direct Strategies
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Creating Mental Images
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Creating Mental Images Multitasking Globalization Globalization
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3 Creating Mental Images
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Memory strategies 1. Memory Strategies B. Applying Images and Sounds C. Reviewing well A. Creating Mental Images D. Employing Action
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Cognitive Strategies
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Compensation Strategies
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Metacognition -a definition O´Malley explained metacognitive as thinking about the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring of comprehension or production while it is taking place, and self-evaluation of learning after the language activity is completed (O’Malley et al 1985) Chamot and O´Malley(1997) explain metacognitive strategies as how to approach or attack a learning task…how successfully a learning task is proceeding or has proceeded.
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant
Strategies are influenced by several factors: Personality traits Genre Motivational Level Nationality Purpose for learning the language Degree of awareness Stage of learning Task requirements *** Teacher expectations Age English Learning
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant I want to be the champion!
Applying Learning Strategies in the classroom, from theory to practice. JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant General Learning vs. acquisition What are learning Strategies? Learning: is a conscious knowledge of language rules; does not typically lead to conversational fluency and is derived from formal instruction. Acquisition: on the other hand, occurs unconsciously and spontaneously; leads to conversational fluency, and arises from a naturalistic language use. Considerations Specific actions, behaviors, steps or techniques students use, in order to improve their learning process in a foreign language. Such strategies make the learning easier, faster, more effective, more autonomous, funnier and allows to get the learnt knowledge transferred to new situations. (Rebecca Oxford, 1990)
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant “Nowadays interest has changed from students learn or acquire to learners gain language” (Oxford, 1990) WHAT HOW
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant LEARNING STRATEGIES CLASIFICATION Learning Strategies Direct Strategies Indirect Strategies Memory Strategies Cognitive Strategies Compensation Strategies Metacognitive Strategies Afective Strategies Social Strategies
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant DIRECT STRATEGIES 1. Memory Strategies B. Applying Images and Sounds C. Reviewing well A. Creating Mental Images D. Employing Action 2. Cognitive Strategies B. Receiving and sending messages C. Analyzing and reasoning A. Practicing D. Creating Structure for Input and Output 3. Compensation Strategies B. Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing A. Guessing Intelligently
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Grouping and Classifying Using Words in a New Context Making Associations 1.Memory Strategies Creating Mental Linkages Emphasize on the specific learning of a foreign language through meaningful associations within the learners’ context. DIRECT STRATEGIES
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Applying Images and SoundsSounds This makes easier for learners to store and recover vocabulary learnt, as well as expressions through using images. Using Imagery Using Keywords Using Images to Convey Meaning
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Reviewing well: Time to Check This strategy invites the learners to check again what they read or write in order to remember, memorize and process the information.
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Copying: Following Models 2. Cognitive Strategies Practicing: Time to Practice Invite learners to work on meaningful activities. Recognizing and Using Formulas and Patterns Applying Rules
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Practicing Recombining Practicing Naturalistic Producing Authentic Texts
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Analyzing and Reasoning Key strategies to developing communicative skills. They can be used to understand a word or expression and used it in creating new texts. Analyzing Critical Thinking Solving Puzzles
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Analyzing and Reasoning Transferring Making Connections Personalizing
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Receiving and Sending Messages This strategy helps learners comprehend texts and produce new ones more easily. Getting the Idea Quickly: Skimming and Scanning Using Resources
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Creating Structure for Input and Output These strategies are necessary for creating structure for both comprehension processes as well as production in the learning of a foreign language. Taking Notes Summarizing Highlighting: Identifying
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant 3. Compensation Strategies Guessing Intelligently Using Context Clues Making Inferences
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant INDIRECT STRATEGIES 1. Metacognitive Strategies B. Arranging and planning your learning C. Evaluating your learning A. Centering your learning 2. Affective Strategies B. Encouraging yourself C. Taking your emotional temperature A. Lowering your anxiety 3. Social Strategies B. Cooperating with others A. Asking questions C. Empathizing with others
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant 1. Metacognitive Strategies Centering your Learning Using Prior Knowledge Using Selective Attention INDIRECT STRATEGIES
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Arranging and Planning Learning Organizing Sequencing Events Using Graphic Organizers
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Arranging and Planning Learning Previewing and Anticipating Making Predictions
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Evaluating Learning Self-monitoring: Time to Check
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant 2. Aftective Strategies Lowering Anxiety Using Laughter I DON’T WANT TO!! Reluctant
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Taking Your Emotional Temperature Using a Checklist Discussing/Expressing Personal Feelings
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant 3. Social Strategies Developing Cultural Understanding Asking Questions
Assessment, Methods, and Strategies JOHN HOWARD GALINDO ELT Consultant Thanks for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact me. Any Further information refer to: JOHN HOWARD GALINDO S ELT CONSULTANT GREENWICH