1 14 July 2004First Silver Economy in Europe 2005 Projektträger: Nordrhein-Westfälischer Handwerkstag.


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Presentation transcript:

1 14 July 2004First Silver Economy in Europe 2005 Projektträger: Nordrhein-Westfälischer Handwerkstag

2 14 July 2004First 1.Introduction 2.Welcoming addresses 3.Brief introduction of participants 4.Silver Economy in Europe 2005: –Background –Objectives –Conference –Good-Practice Competition –Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 5.Presentations of partners‘ activities and 6.Discussion 7.Next steps and time schedule

3 14 July 2004First 1.Introduction 2.Welcoming addresses 3.Brief introduction of participants 4.Silver Economy in Europe 2005: –Background –Objectives –Conference –Good-Practice Competition –Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 5.Presentations of partners‘ activities and 6.Discussion 7.Next steps and time schedule

4 14 July 2004First 1.Introduction 2.Welcoming addresses 3.Brief introduction of participants 4.Silver Economy in Europe 2005: –Background –Objectives –Conference –Good-Practice Competition –Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 5.Presentations of partners‘ activities and 6.Discussion 7.Next steps and time schedule

5 14 July 2004First Silver Economy: Background The 65+ year old: –Will increase from in 2004 to in 2050 –are healthier –more mobile –more qualified –have more purchasing power than any other generation before; –aspire a high quality of life –demand high quality of services –want specific services for very individual needs

6 14 July 2004First New and increasing demand for new products and services: –a growing market –new opportunities for qualified jobs –beneficial to SMEs operating in these markets –with many sectors to benefit: Construction and housing Public services Health Leisure Sports Culture Tourism New media Telecommunications Financial services

7 14 July 2004First Senior Citizens Economy [Seniorenwirtschaft] Initiative of the Federal State Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, Women and Family of North Rhine-Westphalia (MGSFF) December 2003, the initiative was presented to representatives of other European regions, politicians and interested NGOs in Brussels Idea was born to involve other European regions in such activities entitled „Silver Economy in Europe“, to –create a European network of interested regional and policy actors for the exchange of experience and know-how, and to –plan for an annual European conference and –"best practice" competition amongst interested regions and smaller industries and service providers.

8 14 July 2004First

9 14 July 2004First Partnership for Conference & Network Development Intended partnership –MGSFF –European Commission –EU Presidency –City of Bonn Initial investment by MGSFF North Rhine-Westphalia Need for conference sponsors (cf. Sponsoring packages)

10 14 July 2004First Network: Objectives Establishment of a Silver Economy Network of the European Regions for –Enhancement of the quality of life of older people –Improvement of competitiveness and employment in businesses which provide products and services for more quality of life –Mobilisation of the purchasing power of seniors –Singling out of selected European regions as having specific experience about economic and social issues involved in stimulating the development of a regional Silver Economy EU regions are encouraged to actively participate in the creation of this network

11 14 July 2004First Objectives Support regional businesses and service providers in the "silver economy" sector; Initiate and stimulate the exchange of experience on building regional silver economy clusters; Create a European pool of expert knowledge on economic, social and political issues involved; Support network members in both regional development initiatives and global marketing focusing on silver economy products and services; Foster policy initiatives at the European level, set an agenda for creating a highly competitive European silver economy, and lobby at regional, national and European levels for support; Create general awareness for the new opportunities of an ageing society

12 14 July 2004First Initial Partner Regions

13 14 July 2004First Activities „Interest in network organisation and active co- operation amongst regions will only be forthcoming if the member regions perceive benefits for their own regional initiatives and development perspectives!“

14 14 July 2004First Activities Initial ideas on potential –establishment of Special Interest Groups (SIG) focusing on specific policy objectives or industrial sectors/services (housing, wellness & tourism; culture; labour market; e-Services; design- for-all …) –regional meetings for the exchange of experience on specific topics, coupled with visits to regional initiatives, businesses, service centres, etc. –annual conference, exhibition and best practice competition rotating amongst participating regions –participation in European and international exhibitions and fairs –preparation of memoranda and communications to the European Council, Committee of the Regions, Parliament and/or Commission; –application for and implementation of European R&D or pilot/validation projects of interest to members at large or specific SIGs.

15 14 July 2004First Structure Core elements would be –regional networks of silver economy actors representing regional bodies, be they from regional governments/authorities themselves and their institutions (like regional development agencies, innovation centres, other support initiatives), or business organisations like chambers of commerce, crafts centres, or from regional NGOs with an official mandate. –to facilitate regional and European network building and organisational cooperation, each regional network should identify a regional contact point/secretariat. –At the European level, an secretariat will be necessary for overall organisational, financial, and policy issues. Financing: INTERREG III C proposal, sponsors...

16 14 July 2004First International Conference First international conference of a series of annual conferences to rotate between different European regions Title: –Silver Economy in Europe 2005 – Opportunities for Economic Growth and Social Cohesion in a Competitive Europe Date: –17 – 18 February 2005 City: –Bonn, Germany

17 14 July 2004First Conference Objectives Sensitisation of a European-wide public and relevant actors on all policy levels (local, regional, national, transnational) for the topic „silver economy“; Provision of a platform for the presentation of European best-practice examples include prize awards; Advancement of an international scientific, economic and entrepreneurial exchange through co-operation among European regions; Creation of sustainable impulses for the establishment of a European silver economy regional network

18 14 July 2004First Conference Target Groups European Commission, EU-Presidency, Organisations and businesses from wholesale and retail, services and industry, Political decision makers from within European regions, EU Parliament, Science and research, Policy, Economy, Regional and economic development arena, Lobbyists from all Member States

19 14 July 2004First Conference Programme Joint development of conference programme with –Structure –Content & topics –Speakers –Moderators –Rapporteurs –Attracting sponsors Initial ideas and concept provided in „Information Package“ –Tourism, Culture –Housing and Architecture –Household-related Services and Networks –New Media and Telecommunications –Financial services –Health, Sports and Wellness –Networks in municipalities and regions –Older workers (?)

20 14 July 2004First Conference Programme Initial ideas and concept provided in „Information Package“ –Tourism –Culture –Household-related Services and Networks –Independent living: (Housing and Architecture, New Media and Telecommunications) –Financial services –Health & Wellbeing (Lifestyle/Exercise) –New Forms of Co-operation: Networks in municipalities and regions –Older workers (? Topic for 2006 conference)

21 14 July 2004First Good Practice Competition: Objectives Stock-taking of concrete practical examples of products, services etc. Selection and Granting of awards to the best examples in each category as part of a European conference on “Silver Economy in Europe 2005“ Presentation of selected good practice examples relating to silver economy products, services etc. on “Silver Economy in Europe 2005” portal Initiation and support of an exchange of experiences between the participating organisations, public administrations and other relevant actors

22 14 July 2004First Competiton: Categories Competiton: Categories Category A: Products and services –Products and services from industry, charity organisations etc. (this may include indirect measures such as specific training courses of organisations to prepare their staff for the requirements of this new market) which create a new market and at the same time improve the quality of life of older citizens. Category B: Economic co-operations –Economic co-operations (networks) of organisations within industry which create a new market and at the same time improve the quality of life of older citizens. Category C: Regional silver economy networks –Regional silver economy networks or co-operations initiated by public bodies or industry which create a new market and at the same time improve the quality of life of older citizens.

23 14 July 2004First Competiton: Selection etc. Competiton: Selection etc. Eligibility Requirements –Companies from all sectors, regional public administrations and authorities, NGOs, regional and economic development agencies, lobbyist institutions –Application form for download Appraisal, Selection and Awards –Criteria: Level of innovation Examplarity Transferability Relationship to the silver economy market (direct/indirect) –Two step assessment involving an international expert jury

24 14 July 2004First Memorandum of Understanding Policy document Objectives: to be defined jointly by Initial ideas to be presented by the Federal State Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, Women and Family of North Rhine- Westphalia MoU development process: July – October 2004 Aim: recognition of and approval by European Commission and EU Presidency MoU presentation as „Bonn Declaration for the Silver Economy“ at the first conference in February 2005

25 14 July 2004First 1.Introduction 2.Welcoming addresses 3.Brief introduction of participants 4.Silver Economy in Europe 2005: –Background –Objectives –Conference –Good-Practice Competition –Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 5.Presentations of partners‘ activities and 6.Discussion 7.Next steps and time schedule

26 14 July 2004First Partner Regions Presentation of 1.Current activities of relevance 2.Interests 3.Possible contributions to the conference and 4.PR capabilities 5.Further ideas 6.Any other comments and questions

27 14 July 2004First Financing of INTERREG III C proposal Interregional cooperation aims to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies and instruments through large-scale information exchange and sharing of experience (networks). Strand C particularly focuses on underdeveloped regions and those undergoing structural adjustment. Priority action areas –Exchanges of experience and good practice between Member States and with third countries concerning cross-border and transnational cooperation under Strands A and B of INTERREG III –Cooperation initiatives in sectors such as research, technology development, enterprise, the information society, tourism, culture or the environment. –Launched: 14 June 2004 –Deadline: 8 October 2004

28 14 July 2004First INTERREG III C IINTERREG budget : 5.2 billion € –IIIA: cross-border co-operation (67%) –IIIB: transnational co-operation (27%) –IIIC: interregional co-operation (6%) = € 310 million

29 14 July 2004First INTERREG III C: who can apply? Lead partner submits the application to the programme zone where the lead partner is situated irrespectively of the location of the other co-operation partners. RFORegional public authorities or equivalent bodies Individual project Public authorities or equivalent bodies NetworksPublic authorities or equivalent bodies

30 14 July 2004First INTERREG III C: proposal details 10-20% of overall programme budget (indic.) for networks Public authorities or equivalent bodies Min. 5 regions, min. 3 Member States Funding for exchange of experience – costs related to seminars, conferences, – web- sites, databases, study tours, – exchange of staff ERDF: 200, million €

31 14 July 2004First INTERREG III C: participant types Lead project participant –Public or equivalent bodies –Overall responsibility for project Other project participants –Public or equivalent bodies –Private with public guarantee

32 14 July 2004First INTERREG III C: participant roles Lead project participant –Submit application –Overall management responsibility for the RFO –Financial management and control –Selection of projects (Steering Committee) –Financial responsibility for private project participants in their regions Other project participants –Selection of projects –Monitoring of projects in their region –Financial management, payment and control in their own region –Financial responsibility for private project participants in their regions

33 14 July 2004First 1.Introduction 2.Welcoming addresses 3.Brief introduction of participants 4.Silver Economy in Europe 2005: –Background –Objectives –Conference –Good-Practice Competition –Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 5.Presentations of partners‘ activities and 6.Discussion 7.Next steps and time schedule

34 14 July 2004First Time Schedule (I) –Agreement on partners, objectives, structure and operation: August 2004 –Agreement on tasks and division of labour: August 2004 –Agreement on approval of new partners process: August 2004 –Next meeting 12 October 2004 in BXL Conference –Agreement on programme, programme committee, contents etc. and securing of speakers etc.: 31 August 2004 –PR for „Silver Economy in Europe 2005“ conference: NOW

35 14 July 2004First Time Schedule (II) Good-Practice Competition –Agreement on competition details (jury, categories, application form, deadline etc.): 31 July 2004 –PR for „Silver Economy in Europe 2005“ competition: NOW MoU –Principal agreements: At first meeting on 14 July 2004 –Initial draft provided by MGSFF Early August 2004 –Final draft: 30 October 2004 Media co-operation and partnerships –Use of own communication channels –Press releases (regional, national, international) –Media partnerships

36 14 July 2004First Time Schedule (III) Interreg III C Proposal –Partners Xx –Roles and division of labour Xx –Proposal draft 1 Xx –Proposal draft 2 (incl. signed partner co-financing statements) Xx –Final Proposal Xx –Delivery to EC Xx

37 14 July 2004First Thank you for your attention! Projektträger: Nordrhein-Westfälischer Handwerkstag