K.I.S.S Keep it Simple Students! Science Fair
STEP 1- Select your topic Make sure you find it interesting!
STEP 2- Identify the problem RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the effect of different thicknesses of insulation on heat loss from a heated box?
STEP 3- Become an expert on your topic Learn as much as you reasonably can about your topic.
Detailed procedure outlining exactly how you will conduct the experiment. Step-by-step! This is the most critical part of the whole process! STEP 4 Plan ID the problem Simple Sentence stating the purpose of the experiment. Select the independent variable The manipulated factor Make a hypothesis Remember: Your experiment must test this
Sample Hypothesis If I increase the insulation thickness then the heat loss from the box will decrease because the outside air will have a harder time reaching the box.
Variables and Constants Independent Variable insulation thickness Dependent Variable temperature in the box Constants: things you will keep the same for Source of heat (100 watt bulb) Source of heat (100 watt bulb) Starting temperature in the box Starting temperature in the box Temperature of the air outside the box Temperature of the air outside the box Location of lamp and thermometer in box Location of lamp and thermometer in box
Step 5: Prepare Gather all materials. Gather all materials. Get a mentor. Get a mentor. Create a timeline to Create a timeline to keep you on track. Tell your family about your project. Tell your family about your project.
Sample Project: Materials 20 Gallon Glass Aquarium 20 Gallon Glass Aquarium Lamp with 100 watt light bulb (heater) Lamp with 100 watt light bulb (heater) Fiberglass insulation of thickness 1 inch, 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, 10 inch (be specific about the type) Fiberglass insulation of thickness 1 inch, 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, 10 inch (be specific about the type) Duct tape (to secure the insulation) Duct tape (to secure the insulation) Remote Digital thermometer, resolution 0.1 Celsius Remote Digital thermometer, resolution 0.1 Celsius
STEP 6- Experiment Make sure you: Have a control Have a control Independent variable Independent variable Dependent variable Dependent variable Pre-written procedures Pre-written procedures Organized format for data collection Organized format for data collection
Procedure 1. Place lamp and thermometer in box. Place glass cover on box. 2. Carefully cover entire box with insulation. All surfaces (including bottom) are covered. Tape is used to secure insulation. 3. Measure temperature inside and outside box 4. Turn on lamp. 5. Every 10 min, measure and record temperature inside and outside the box. 6. Repeat step 5 until temperature stops rising. 7. Turn off lamp. 8. Every 10 min measure and record temperature inside and outside the box 9. Repeat step 8 until temperature inside box is the same as the temperature outside the box 10. Repeat steps 2 – 9 for different insulation thicknesses. 11. Perform steps 3 – 9 for with no insulation on the box (control).
STEP 7- Make observations/collect data You must know in advance what you will do to analyze you data follow your written plan.follow your written plan. keep detailed notes on everything that you observe.keep detailed notes on everything that you observe. take pictures or make sketches of your observations to help make things clearer.take pictures or make sketches of your observations to help make things clearer.
Step 8: Figure Out What Happened and What it Means Organize your notes. Organize your notes. Next, analyze your data. Next, analyze your data. Ask yourself, what happened? Ask yourself, what happened? Did the results agree with your hypothesis? Did the results agree with your hypothesis? Make graphs and charts that will help you "see" what the data mean. Make graphs and charts that will help you "see" what the data mean.
Data Table Insulation thick max temp time to max temp time back to RT (inches) (deg C) (minutes) (minutes)
Step 9: Write Your Report Tell exactly what you did, how you did it, and what you discovered. Tell exactly what you did, how you did it, and what you discovered. Be sure you write all about your plan and your experiment. Be sure you write all about your plan and your experiment. Include your data, charts and graphs to help readers interpret the information. Include your data, charts and graphs to help readers interpret the information. Include some of the research info you learned. Include some of the research info you learned.
Step 10: Make a Killer Display Be sure to include: background information background information problem and hypothesis problem and hypothesis procedures and results procedures and results graphs and charts. graphs and charts. photos or drawings photos or drawings conclusion conclusion
Step 11: Rehearse Your Presentation Practice! Practice ! And Practice some more!
Stand and Deliver! At the science fair Stand and deliver. Stand and deliver. Try to remain calm. Try to remain calm. Dress smart. Dress smart. Take yourself seriously. Take yourself seriously. Be prepared. Be prepared. I know you will do great!