College Ready vs vs College Eligible Are you ready?
College & Career Center LOCATED IN ROOM 2507 What can we do for you? Advise you and your parents on the ENTIRE college going process Encourage, Motivate, Inspire you about higher education and options SAT/ACT Registrations Fee Waivers College Search and Applications Financial Aid and Scholarships Search and Applications FAFSA/TAFSA Career options And more!!!
College Ready vs vs College Eligible Students are considered College Ready when they have knowledge, skills, and academic preparation needed to enroll and succeed in introductory college credit-bearing courses within an associate or baccalaureate degree program without the need for remediation. Students are considered College Eligible when they have knowledge, skills, and academic preparation needed to graduate from high school or have successfully completed a GED program. These students require remediation. Remediation is the need for non credit bearing classes at the college level.
12 th Grade AssessmentComposite Score required by TSI MathReadingWriting AccuplacerAlg 87 (LSC) 67 TSI Essay or 7 Essay ACT2321 (LSC) 19 + (TSI) 19+ AssetALG 47+ or CA 25+ (LSC) ALG 39+ (TSI) and 6 Essay or 7 Essay only (LSC) 40+ and 6 (TSI) COMPASSALG 67+ or CA 0-5 (LSC) ALG 39+ (TSI) and 6 Essay or 7 Essay Only (LSC) 59 and 6 (TSI) SAT1070 Reading + Math (LSC) 500+ (TSI) 500+ TAKSMust be assessed (LSC) (TSI) and 3 Essay (ELA) THEA/Quick THEA275+ (LSC) 230+ (TSI) 230+
How do I prepare to be College Ready 9 th Grade Create a 4 year plan Take the most challenging courses possible Start thinking about your dream career Talk to people with interesting jobs Talk to your College and Career Advisors and School Counselors Are you ready for AP classes Talk to your parents Save for college Get involved Seek out summer enrichment programs Grades are one of the top things colleges consider
How do I prepare to be College Ready 10 th Grade Update your 4 year plan Take the most challenging courses possible Explore your options for dual credit and AP classes Prepare for the PSAT…NMSQT….$$ Read, read, on your writing skills Talk to your College and Career Advisors and School Counselors Are you ready for Dual Credit and AP classes Learn about current affairs Talk to your parents Save for college Get involved Seek out summer enrichment programs Grades are one of the top things colleges consider
How do I prepare to be College Ready 11 th Grade Update your 4 year plan Take the most challenging courses possible If your scores show that you are NOT college ready, meet with your counselor or College and Career Advisor to create a preparedness plan Prepare for the PSAT…NMSQT….$$ Take Dual Credit seriously Visit college campuses List 10 schools you would like to attend and request catalogs, admission requirements, applications and financial aid information Attend College Nights Take the SAT, ACT or COMPASS in the Spring Semester
How do I prepare to be College Ready 12 th Grade Review your schedule with your counselor Take the most challenging courses possible Begin the college application process by September Call the colleges to verify they have received your information Seek out your College Advisor for scholarship opportunities FAFSA opens January 1 st Visit college campuses Attend college nights Finalize housing arrangements Seek out an academic advisor at your colleges of choice EARLY Take the SAT, ACT or COMPASS in the Fall Semester