On the Wrong Side of the Global Divide Unit 12 On the Wrong Side of the Global Divide
Introduction: In Africa, HIV/AIDS is a major health problem.
Percentages of population infected with HIV in the worst-hit regions in the world Zambia: 赞比亚 19.1% Zimbabwe: 津巴布韦 25.9% Botswana: 博茨瓦纳 25.1%
Percentages of population infected with HIV in the worst-hit regions in the world Swaziland: 斯威士兰 18.5% Namibia: 纳米比亚 19.4% South Africa: 南非 12.9%
Background information: AIDS: 获得性免疫缺损综合症 A- Acquired I- Immune D-Deficiency S-Syndrome HIV: 人体免疫缺损病毒 H-Human I-Immunodeficiency V-Virus
In what way will we be infected with HIV? HIV is spread in three ways: infected blood Sex Mother-to-child
There are special organizations that give support and help to people who already have HIV or AIDS. People show their support for people with AIDS by wearing a small red ribbon on their coats.
Focus: the hopeless state of those infected
Proper names: Clapham: 克拉彭 Mancunian: 曼彻斯特人 Glaswegian: 格拉斯哥人 Durham: 达勒姆 Leeds: 利兹 Malawi: 马拉维 Lilongwe: 利隆圭 kwacha: 克瓦查 Blantyre: 布兰太尔 Salima: 萨利马
Grace & Dessa Chidhedza How old are they? Where do they live? What do they do? Do they have any other family members? Why don’t they use ARVs?
Grace & Dessa Chidhedza Grace is just 30. She is single and she has a good job selling luxury shoes from a wooden kiosk in the Central Market, Lilongwe. She lives in the suburbs.
Grace & Dessa Chidhedza Dessa is 29. She lives in her mother’s house. There are 16 children in her family. She lost her job as a cashier in an Indian shop since she fell ill.
Grace & Dessa Chidhedza Both of them can’t afford to buy ARVs.
Women Children People who have homosexual relationship
How can we avoid being infected? To avoid contacting the infected blood To build up healthy sexual relationship To keep away from drugs