UN Millennium Development Goals Going on offense against HIV and malaria in Southern Africa
MDG Campaign Team TheresaArt/Tech Specialist Brian D.Researcher FeliciaResearcher KyleProject Manager
HIV and Malaria in Southern Africa Malaria effects 28% of people under 15 in Southern Africa Botswana has 1 doctor per 14,000 people Almost 25% of South African adults are HIV+ The mortality rate in Zimbabwe is 35.3 years
HIV and Malaria in Southern Africa More than one billion people worldwide do not have access to clean water. Water-related diseases are the leading cause of death in the world, taking the lives of 6,000 people a day, and are responsible for 80 percent of all sickness in the world. 40 billion hours are lost annually to hauling water, a chore primarily undertaken by women and girls.
Who is Trying to Help? The United Nations was first convened on October 24, 1945 The United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems that challenge humanity In 2000, the UN announced the Millennium Declaration
The Millennium Development Goals Signatories from nations around the world agreed on the following goals for 2015: Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases Target 7. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS Indicators 18. HIV prevalence among pregnant women aged years (UNAIDS-WHO-UNICEF) 19. Condom use rate of the contraceptive prevalence rate (UN Population Division) c* 19a. Condom use at last high-risk sex (UNICEF-WHO) 19b. Percentage of population aged years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (UNICEF-WHO) d* 19c. Contraceptive prevalence rate (UN Population Division) 20. Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans aged years (UNICEF-UNAIDS-WHO) Target 8. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases Indicators 21. Prevalence and death rates associated with malaria (WHO) 22. Proportion of population in malaria-risk areas using effective malaria prevention and treatment measures (UNICEF-WHO) e* 23. Prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis (WHO) 24. Proportion of tuberculosis cases detected and cured under DOTS (internationally recommended TB control strategy) (WHO)
What’s Being Done? Millennium Promise There is a deadly disease in the world that kills more than 1 million children every year - even more children than AIDS or tuberculosis. It’s called malaria. Transmitted by mosquitoes, malaria causes 350 to 500 million infections each year, threatening 40% of the world’s population. Every $10 gift provides a family a bed net – including the purchase, distribution and other critical elements like education, monitoring and evaluation. Bed nets are only one tool in the comprehensive solution to control malaria and a small portion of each $10 gift supports Malaria No More’s overall work to control this deadly disease. Funding will be provided to Malaria No More's established partners in Africa, such as UNICEF and the American Red Cross, to turn your donation into lives saved.
Millennium Promise
What’s Being Done? Playpumps International A life-changing and life-saving invention – the PlayPump® water system -- can provide easy access to clean drinking water, bring joy to children, and lead to improvements in health, education, gender equality, and economic development. The PlayPump systems are innovative, sustainable, patented water pumps powered by children at play. Installed near schools, the PlayPump system doubles as a water pump and a merry-go-round for children. The PlayPump system also provides one of the only ways to reach rural and peri-urban communities with potentially life saving public health messages.
What’s Being Done? DATA- Debt AIDS Trade Africa Aid is working in the poorest parts of the world. This year 20 million African children are going to school for the first time in their lives. 1.2 million people around the world, most of them in Africa, are healthy and productive thanks to life-saving AIDS medications.
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Thank you, and remember- Global poverty is no longer a necessity. It is literally a matter of whether we choose to ignore poverty or put an end to it.