The interoperability era 2005 Joint Assembly AGU, NABS, SEG, SPD/AAS U22A eGY: e-Science for Geoscience I Introduction by


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Presentation transcript:

The interoperability era 2005 Joint Assembly AGU, NABS, SEG, SPD/AAS U22A eGY: e-Science for Geoscience I Introduction by

“Knowledge is the common wealth of humanity.” Adama Samassekou Convener of the UN World Summit on the Information Society

Moving forward From IGY …. ….. to eGY IGY+50 IHY IPY

: e-Science for Geoscience I 10:30 The Electronic Geophysical Year, (eGY) Charlie Barton 10:45 International Geo-Years: Cooperation Between Planet Earth and Electronic Years Ed de Mulder 11:00 Harmonisation of Grid and Geospatial Services Standards in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Simon Cox 11:15 A New Dimension to the eGY: Connecting the Virtual Observatories to Teachers Worldwide Emily CoBabe-Ammann, E 11:30 Bridging the Digital Divide: Virtual Observatories and the eGY Barbara Thompson 11:45 Personal Reflections of the IGY with Hope for a Successful eGY Ralph Baird

The Electronic Geophysical Year, eGY_Team members Joint Assembly of AGU, SEG, AAS-SPD, NABS New Orleans, 24 May 2005

21st Century science drivers The e-Science environment 50 years after IGY Opportunity for eGY Why What How eGY Contents

21st Century Science Drivers Earth (Complex) System science Higher space/time resolution Rapid response Data assimilation into models Challenges: distributed data, complex cross- disciplinary data, large data sets, data discovery, data preservation, data rescue,..., open access and sharing.

The Interoperability Era

The e-Science Environment

BORROMEAN RINGS - a symbol of unity Three interlinked rings that represent inseparable parts of the whole. Remove any one ring and the other two fall apart. Ingredients of Information © 2005 EvREsearch LTD EvREsearch©

Lots of effort Earth observing systems, data networks virtual information systems, …..

A4 US Letter

Earth Observing Systems GEO - Group on Earth Observations GEOSS - Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEM – Global Environment Modelling project GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment and Security IWGEO – Interagency Working Group on Earth Observation IGOS – International Global Observing Strategy IGOS-P - International Global Observing Systems Partners IGOSS – International Global Observing System of Systems IGGOS – Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System GOS - Global Observing Systems GCOS - Global Climate Observing System GOOS - Global Ocean Observing System GTOS - Global Terrestrial Observing System GOSIC - The Global Observing Systems Information Center GOS/GAW - Global Observing System/ Global Atmosphere Watch (WMO) ESONET – European Sea Floor Observatory Network EOSDIS – Earth Observing System Data and Information System

How do we in the Earth & Space Sciences Find out who is doing what? Share experience and expertise Coordinate activities Reduce replication of effort Promote common practices (standards) Stimulate wider participation Reduce the digital divide Raise awareness about the need for modern, professional data stewardship Educate; influence decision makers Inspire public interest Change the “heroic” science funding paradigm.

International Geophysical Year Scientists cooperated in global geoscientific observations using common instruments and data processing Data were gathered on geoscientific phenomena from around the world Space observations were started WDCs were established much more…… International cooperation and sharing - Global, cross-disciplinary scope - Free, universal, ready access to data - Data preservation - Capacity building in Developing Countries - Outreach and Public Education

IUGG initiative Led by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Endorsed by Sponsored by IUGG, IAGA, LASP, NASA Embrace and extend IGY principles

Themes Data access Data discovery Data release Data preservation Data rescue Outreach & Education Capacity building WG: Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery WG: Virtual Observatories WG: Best Practice WG: E/PO …..

WG on Standards?

Role Provide an international, cooperative environment to –facilitate –inform –stimulate –encourage –promote

Deliverables Infrastructure, establish links Mandate - the eGY Declaration Meetings, workshops, and symposia Website: eGY News Articles, brochure, presentations eGY codes of best practice E/PO products for schools, … Capacity building activities in developing countries

Structure Executive Director Dan Baker, LASP Secretariat To conduct eGY business; located at LASP & NOAA, Boulder Secretary: Bill Peterson Communications: Marissa Rusinek PR and E/PO: Emily CoBabe-Ammann International Committee Chair: C. Barton Policy, planning, opportunity identification, scientific links (representatives from key participants and regions) Thematic Working Groups Virtual Observatories (Peter Fox) Data Integration & Knowledge Discovery (Paul Berkman) Best Practice - joint with CODATA (Herb Kroehl, Jean Bonnin) Education and Public Outreach (Emily CoBabe-Ammann)

Participants ICSUThomas Rosswall IUGGEC (Assocs) Task Force IUGGIGY+50 Cmte IAGA Charles Barton PAA DataRoberta Miller, C. Smith WDC PanelFerris Webster, Mike Chinnery CODATABob Chen FAGSPhil Wilkinson SCOSTEPJoe Allen SCARMaurizio Candidi AGUFred Spilhaus AOGSYohsuke Kamide SEGBrian Spies, VP IGBPWill Steffen, past ED NC-IUGG Priscilla Grew AASAustr Acad Sci LASPDan Baker NASABarbara Thompson NGDCEric Kihn SECChris Fox NCARPeter Fox NSIDCMark Parson SWRICraig de Forest USGSJeff Fox IPYAlan Rodger, … IHYBarbara Thompson IYPEEd de Mulder CAWSESJoe Allen, Y Kamide

Calendar AGU, EGU, AOGS meetings July 2005IAGA Assembly, Toulouse Aug 2005Workshop on Best Practice, Germany Nov 2005WSIS, Tunis Dec 2005Workshop on Virtual Observatories, UK? Feb 2006eGY Planning meeting May 2006AGU, Session on Data and Information Systems Nov 2006CODATA Conference, Beijing Jul 2007IUGG General Assembly, Perugia Nov 2008CODATA Conference

eGY News lists Sign the eGY Declaration for a Geoscience Information Commons Take advantage of eGY