District President’s Report Pastor’s Conference Lubbock, Texas October 23,24, 2014
Synod Financials Our CMO commitments after the “revisit” are about 1 million short of funding needed for Our CMO offerings are keeping up with commitments. Every area of ministry has flat budgets and no major cuts have had to be made this year. We still need congregations to consider raising their CMO commitment for the coming year by 4 %. A power point for congregational presentations is coming out soon. A debt elimination campaign will start in the fall o f 2015
WELS VEBA Materials are being sent to you to help your lay leaders see the benefits of staying in the plan A group plan works best if we all stay in. The long term implications of entering the open market are quite risky Call WELS VEBA office to get a good explanation of the plan and its benefits
Pastoral Vacancies Synod Wide Vacancies: 66 pastoral vacancies 54 vacant parishes 30 graduates expected from WLS District Vacancies: Little Rock, Arkansas – calling mid Nov San Antonio – calling Oct 26 Temple – calling mid Nov
Recruitment The ongoing need and the foreseeable future Starts in the parish – pastors, teachers, leaders Cooperation with Recruitment offices
Statistical Report Changes Every five years – demographics Age Ethnic in the congregation Ethnic in the ministry area
Reformation Press kits for local ministries Variety of materials – (LES, Conv., CELC, Worship Conference) Money for district reformation gatherings. $950,000 for PBS 2-hour Luther presentation
Christian Leadership Experience Big Five – (TOG, TILM, KW, Antioch, GIA) Phoenix January 9-11, 2014 After the KW convention National Speakers Variety of Workshops CEF Grant for $200 x 2 = $400
Wartburg Project 39 books are finished John Brug retiring, will work more on it Guys in the district can tell you more
Miscellaneous Jon Hein new one year call CCC administrator Updated process for requesting CRM status Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage Statement
Jeremy Cares’ Five Mantras for Pastoral Leadership 1. Connect with your people (home, cyber) 2. Be passionate in everything (1 Cor. 15:58) 3. Always have a vision for tomorrow - 4. Do something a little different each year 5. Lead by showing not just telling
A Take Home Plan What three things cannot change about the status quo of my congregation’s ministry? What three things may need to change about the status quo of my congregation’s ministry? What three things must change about the status quo of my congregation’s ministry?