ASE NEO Committee Tom Jones ASE Congress Scotland 20 Sep 07 Future ASE Work on the NEO Hazard
2 ASE Future Work on NEOs Overview ASE NEO Committee Fund-raiser ASE NEO Workshops ASE UN Reporting NEO Exploration Opportunities ASE Outreach on NEO Issue
3 ASE NEO Fundraiser Jan 2007 Chabot Science Center Oakland, California USA Organized by Schweickart and Turnage ASE members attending: Leonov, Avdeev, Dunbar, Schweickart, Chang-Diaz, Schirra, Carpenter, Prunariu, Bobko, Hughes-Fulford, Jones Results: $ 132,000 to fund ASE NEO workshop series
4 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard ASE NEO Workshop Series Series of 4 workshops to address NEO decisions ASE Panel on Asteroid Threat Mitigation (PATM) Principals selected for expertise and independent professional status Not associated with government space agencies or corporate interests List Task: draft Program, guide formal delivery to UN, provide pathways to international institutions, governments, space agencies
5 List of Invited Principals Dr. V.S. Arunachalam, Chairman, Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy Dr. Roger-M. Bonnet, President, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Ambassador James George, Retired, Canada Dr. Tomifumi Godai, former President, International Astronautical Federation Ambassador Peter Jankowitsch, Retired, Austria Dr. Nandasiri Jasentuliyana, President, International Institute of Space Law Dr. Sergei Kapitza, Russian Academy of Sciences Mr. Paul Kovacs, Executive Director, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction Ambassador Walther Lichem, former Austrian ambassador to Canada Dr. John Logsdon, Director, Space Policy Institute, GWU Dr. Gordon McBean, ICSU Planning Gp. on Natural and Human-Induced Env. Hazards Lord Martin Rees, President, The Royal Society Dr. Karlene Roberts, Professor, Haas School of Business Dr. Roald Sagdeev, Professor, University of Maryland Dr. Michael Simpson, President, International Space University Sir Crispin Tickell, Director, Policy Foresight Program, James Martin Institute, Oxford Jim Zimmerman, President, International Astronautical Federation Dr. Sergio Camacho-Lara, Director, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs Invited Observers Dr. Richard Crowther, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory Mr. Richard Tremayne-Smith, Chairman, COPUOS Action Team 14 (NEO)
6 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard ASE NEO Workshop Series Series of 4 workshops to address NEO decisions ASE Panel on Asteroid Threat Mitigation (PATM) Principals selected for expertise and independent professional status Not associated with government space agencies or corporate interests List Task: draft Program, guide formal delivery to UN, provide pathways to international institutions, governments, space agencies
7 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard ASE update to COPUOS: February 2007 ASE presented a summary of our workshop process Stated our intention to present a draft Program in February This effort was recognized by Action Team 14 (dealing with NEOs) COPUOS is now officially aware of our effort ASE’s PATM Program submission is now part of COPUOS projected NEO initiative.
8 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard ASE NEO Workshop 1 – May 2007 International Space Univ., Strasbourg, France Educate Panel Principals on basic NEO facts World-class experts delivered tutorials to give all Panel members common hazard understanding Subjects: NEO basics, orbital dynamics, detection programs, deflection, impact effects, space law, UN committee functions, disasters Approval of plan for preparation of draft Program
9 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard ASE NEO Workshop 2 – September 2007 Sibiu, Romania Host: Dorin Prunariu PATM created first draft of our NEO Decision- Making Progam Similar to “Mission” or “Flight Rules,” “Red Book” Issues addressed: NEO detection, data exchange, communication, disaster planning, new NEO “entity” to handle NEO planning at UN, indemnification, UN NEO “actor”, costs Panel developed roadmap for submission and publication of our NEO Decision Program
10 ASE NEO Committee Future Activities ASE status report to UN STSC of COPUOS in February 2008, Vienna ASE NEO Workshop 3 – April 2008, Costa Rica Complete drafting of NEO Program Edit for priority issues, content, clarity ASE status report to UN COPUOS, June 2008 ASE NEO Workshop 4 – September 2008 Final edits, adoption of Program Signatures, public announcement
11 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard ASE NEO Committee -- Communications No release of Program content to press before Sep 2008 (end of Workshop 4) Post-Workshop 4: ASE NEO Program communication effort World space agencies via ASE members Non-governmental institutions (IAF, COSPAR) UN Action Team 14, COPUOUS, General Assembly Published articles and lectures Internet, Video and film
12 Future ASE NEO Committee Members?
13 Upcoming “Dawn” Mission to Asteroid Belt
14 Dawn and Hayabusa
Tunguska Centennial: June 30, 2008
16 Peru: Possible Impact????
~100 meters (ISS at 12A.1 Stage) 540 meters Asteroid Itokawa, ISS, and CEV Orion JAXA, NASA CEV Orion ~17 m (cross section)
19 ASE Future Work on NEO Hazard Events to watch Workshop progress Spacecraft mission developments Press coverage (e.g. Tunguska, Peru) Special thanks to ASE’s Andy Turnage for his tireless efforts in support of the ASE NEO effort
20 ASE: Turning NEO Hazard into Opportunity
NEO Itokawa (535x294 m diameter) imaged by JAXA Hayabusa mission