Experiences in Strategic Statistical Planning – Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) – The Modernization of STATIN Presented by Annette McKenzie Deputy Director General, Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN)
Presentation Outline Background Factors that necessitated modernization & restructuring of STATIN Developing a Strategic Plan Strategic Objectives Achievements to date Lessons learnt 2
Background STATIN created from the former Department of Statistics became a Statutory Corporation in 1984 by the amendment of the Statistics Act The Statistics Act clearly outlines the role of STATIN – Section 3(1) sets out STATIN’s objective Under portfolio of Ministry of Finance & Planning until 2007, now under the Office of the Prime Minister. 3
Factors Precipitating the Need to Modernize and Restructure Pace of change in the external environment Management changes Decentralized operations Old Technology Inefficiencies 4
The Process to Modernization KPMG Study Development of Modernization Plan IMF Review 5
The Way Forward The Vision To be a learning organization that is on the cutting edge of information and Technology and is responsive to the needs of our clients. The Mission To provide relevant, timely and accurate statistical information and technical services, consistent with international standards, to national and international clients.” 6
Strategic Objectives CONSOLIDATION OF OPERATIONS PERSONNEL & ORGANIZATION to strengthen the HR unit in order to support the strategic objectives To create a flexible organization structure SERVICE ACTIVITIES To institute a client service culture To implement efficient business processes 7
Strategic Objectives TECHNOLOGY To strengthen the technology core required to support all systems and increase efficiencies STATISTICS To understand the changing data requirements and to translate user needs into new products To strengthen the legal framework FUNDING 8
Key Outputs 9 Resources secured & allocated Corporate Plan, Policies, regulations and Guidelines formulated, appraised and disseminate d. Financial and technical Support delivered Building Strengthened Legal Framework Improved staff efficiency, performance and morale Management Information and Research collated and disseminated Efficient Administrative processes and increased operational efficiency Improved Indices & Estimates Performanc e Monitored Ministry of Finance and Planning advised Timely and accurate monthly, quarterly and annual reports for 2001 – 2003 published as scheduled. Consolidated Operations Human Resources Equipment Technology Funding Technical Assistance Policies Guidelines Regulations Standards InputsIntermediate outputs Final Outputs
Implementation Incorporate the Modernization processes into Operation Plans for the Institute as well as that of each Division for each year. 10
Achievements to date Consolidation of Corporate Area offices Legal Framework reviewed - at “White Paper” stage Organizational Restructuring & Introduction of PMAS Introduction of a Quality Management System Data 11
Achievements to date Data Management System for 5 processes developed - November 2008 External trade Surveys Demography Central Register of Economic Units Media clippings 12
Achievements to date Revision of the CPI Introduction of PPI Revision of SNA Upgrading of Source Statistics - Including Business Register Development - Revision of Classification Systems 13
Lessons learnt / Issues Difficulties in managing expanded workload Project management Have a Plan B Succession Planning Scarcity of Professionals Buy in of stakeholders Relationship of the core programmes with the supporting system 14
Experiences in Strategic Statistical Planning – Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) – The Modernization of STATIN The End