Application Software Practical 9/10/11/12 Macromedia Director
Authoring Software Review Macromedia Director is one of the most popular time-based multimedia authoring tools: A powerful and complex multimedia authoring tool Used to create multimedia presentations, animations & interactive multimedia applications May require significant learning curve Assembling & sequencing of elements done via cast(s) & score
Director Cast A cast is a multimedia database Allows import of a wide range of data types & multimedia element formats into cast (QuickTime movies, mp3, etc.) Allows creation of multimedia elements (text, shapes, bitmapped artwork, gradients, animations, etc.) using the various Director tools Other tools edit & create palettes & scripts
A score is the grid-type structure that Director uses to organise a movie Each cast member is called a sprite In a movie all the sprites are tied together using the score facility A score sequences the display, animation & playing of cast members A score also provides elaborate & complex visual effects & transitions and adjustments of colour palettes The speed of movie playback could be set Director Score
Lingo is a built-in scripting language of Director Lingo adds interactivity to a movie You can use Lingo to control a movie in response to specific conditions & events Scripts can be attached to individual elements of the cast Director uses four types of scripts: behaviors, movie scripts, parent scripts, & scripts attached to cast members. Lingo Scripting