Diffusion and Imitation of Growth Strategies in Firm Clusters M. Gabriela Contreras October 2010
Outline Introduction Research Question Vocabulary Data & Methodology Expected Challenges Questions & Feedback
Introduction Rejuvenation of firm growth studies Beyond Gibrat's Law Existing literature focuses on factors (variables) driving firm growth. Focus on the how not the what
Introduction Firms are typically understood as profit maximizers However, firms may depart from this strategy and become “conformists.” Imitation Changing strategies when profts fall below a certain threshold
Hypotheses & Assumptions AI) Firms are not profit maximizers. A2)Firms have little information of the consumer demand function of their competitors HI) Firms imitate growth strategies of other firms within a cluster. HIa) Firms imitate growth strategies of well- performing firms within a cluster
Vocabulary Firm- a small high- tech business with one or more branches. Cluster- a regional agglomeration of firms or firm heardquarters. Growth strategy- the method through which a firm decides to grow, such as an increase in number of FTEs, mergers & acquisitions. Well- performing strategy- a growth strategy that leads to a higher survival rate of a firm.
Data & Methodology Data & Scope Firm- level performance data for small high-tech firms in Silicon Valley, CA Number of employees Mergers and acquisitions Profits Sources Kauffman Database Bureau of Labor Statistics Small Business Advocacy
Data & Methodology Methodology Imitation of a growth strategy Bayesian Networks Causality of a firm engaging in a growth strategy Success of a growth strategy* Survival Analysis Model Censor on firm growth strategy Probability of “death” of a firm given a set of time- dependent covariates * First pass is to evaluate plain imitation behavior
Expected Challenges Data availability: Kauffman data available for 3 years No geographical identifiers LEEM Database is not accessible Best database out there! Cohort choice Based on expected data availability Geography- based clusters of industries
Questions for the Audience Data sources Methodology On-going related work?
Bibliography Beaudry, C., & Swann, G.M.P. (2009). Firm growth in industrial clusters of the United Kingdom. Small Business Economics, 32, Bonaccorsi, A., & Giannangeli, S. (2010). One or more growth processes? Evidence from new Italian firms. Small Business Economics. Coad, A. & Rao R. (2008). Innovation and firm growth in high-tech sectors: A quantile regression approach. Research Policy, 37, Stam, Erik. (2010). Growth Beyond Gibrat: firm Growth Processes and Strategies. Small Business Economics. 35, Parker, S.C., Storey D.J, Van Wittelosstuijn A. (2010). What happens to gazelles? The importance of a dynamic management strategy. Small Business Economics. Wiklund, J., Patzelt, H., & Shepherd, D.A. (2009). Building an integrative model of small business growth. Small Business Economics. 32,