OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 1 Acquiring and Deploying PI at a Major Mid-West Utility Bob Osterhout
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 2 OVERVIEW u First Energy u Project Objectives u Project Organization and Topology u System Architecture u Database, User Interface and Reports u Schedule u Issues/Questions
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/ th Largest Electrical System in the US 2 Million Customers 4 Operating Companies Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Ohio Edison Penn Power Toledo Edison Merger/Acquisition Fall 1998
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 4 First impressions of PI were interesting u Similar to story of the blind men and the elephant –Tree Trunk, Wall, etc. u Many different ideas of what PI is and what it would do for us u Finally figured out what PI is: –Archives process data –Facilitates data access
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 5 First Energy’s PI Project objectives are generally infrastructure in nature. u Improved Decision Support u Enhanced equipment and process troubleshooting capability u Improved asset/resource utilization u Reduced plant clerical load and improved input quality u Facilitate for distributed deployment of technical staff
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 6 Mtce North Technical Services Mtce South Projects Niles Plt Bailey, A/B DH Pts New Castle Plt Bailey 2400 Pts Mansfield Plt Honeywell 9500 Pts Burger Plt Bailey 3500 Pts PI makes process history available to local plant and distant support organizations. Sammis Plt Foxboro, Bailey, A/B DH Pts
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 7 First Energy’s PI project is organized to support deployment by individual but mutually supportive plant teams. NEW CASTLE Engineering Operations I&T Burger Engineering Operations I&T Core Support I S Dept. Telecommunications Project Leader Integrator Sammis Engineering Operations I&T Mansfield Engineering Operations I&T Niles Engineering Operations I&T Plants DCS/DAS Connection Database Graphics Core Team IS Tech Support Project Management Network Services Commissioning
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 8 The typical FE PI installation connects process systems with general users via the plant business LAN in addition to archiving process data values. PI SERVER IBM Pent II Dual 8 Gig PI API NODE IBM Pent II Dual 4 Gig DCS Plant Business LAN WAN Client DAS (Non-Control Grade) Fiber Ethernet Novel Client
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 9 Third party software was used to interface the Sammis Plant FOX 1A data acquisition systems. FOX 1A FOX 1A FOX 1A RTX Fox I/A Fox I/A MICRO SPEC PI Server PI API Serial Ethernet Plant Business LAN WAN Net 90AB PLC
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 10 The interface to be used for Mansfield Plant’s Honeywell TDC 3000 was recently developed by OSI for the new Honeywell Process Data Historian (PHD) PI Server Plant Business LAN WAN Honeywell TDC 3000 HWell PHD TDC GUI TDC GUI Plant Client Plant Client
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 11 For unit heat rate calculations at the New Castle Plant we have added side stream package running on a separate platform. PI SERVER IBM Pent II Dual 8 Gigabyte PI API NODE IBM Pent II Dual 4 Gigabyte DCS Plant Business LAN WAN Client (Non-Control Grade) Fiber Ethernet Novel Client HRM Server and API
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 12 Concern that varying tagging conventions form site to site would hinder access to PI data led us to a common tag prefix system. XX_AABBBCCC_DCSTAG### DCS or DAS tag No. Sub-System No. System No. Unit and Area No. Plant / Site ID Example: Sammis Unit 5 Boiler Feed System High Pressure Heater Outlet Temperature = SA_5BBFSHTR_5T100
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 13 A combination of circumstances led First Energy to deploy PI with high level graphics only. u Initial project emphasis is to get the systems on line and archiving so we will have data to archive u Just now beginning to get an understanding of how PI data will be used and by whom u Actual construction of ProcessBook graphics is relatively easy process u Need at least a high level means for initial PI users to navigate to data and ease introduction to capabilities u Don’t need a reproduction of DCS operator graphics (Engineers keep trying to give operators a mimic arrangement when what they want is tabular display)
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 14 New Castle Unit 3 Overview is an example of a typical mimic type graphic as a means of navigating to the data.
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 15 The New Castle Unit 3 Pulverizer Overview is an example of a tabular type display that makes a large number of data points available in an easy to follow manner.
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 16 A basic report package is being developed to automate a portion of plant statistical reporting and to demonstrate the technology. u Plant statistical reports currently require considerable transcription from operator and DCS logs. u Manual entry is time consuming and an opportunity for error u Working on a combination of Excel and Performance Calculation package to develop monthly reports for: »Unit run time »Availability »Performance »Significant process parameters
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 17 Project schedule philosophy was to pilot an initial installation then roll out to remaining plants. PROJECT SCHEDULE u Project InceptionMid 1996 u Conceptual SDDApr 1997 u Project Kick Off MeetingSep 1997 u OSI Purchase OrderOct 1997 u Integrator POOct 1997 u First InstallationNov 1997 u Last Plant Aug 1998 TYPICAL DURATIONS u Plant database and graphics development: 80 hours u Integrator database receipt to installation: 4 weeks u Integrator graphics development: 3 weeks u Field Installation and check out: 2 days
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 18 A few questions regarding future enhancements and direction have been noted for later consideration u Practicality and need for bringing spectral type data into PI, for instance periodic machine vibration signatures and oil analysis report data u Use of PI as a universal plant data navigation tool versus use of PI as a front end to other platforms or workstations for concurrent access to process data, equipment maintenance history, equipment OEM manuals and operating procedures
OSI PI Users Conf. 3/23/98 19 Initial impressions with the system about 70% deployed are very positive. u Installation is complete at 2 of 5 plants with the third in progress. u Start-Up has been relatively simple with few problems and easy remedies u Plant involvement with database and graphics development is important to building an initial PI smart user group u Mutual support from plant to plant has worked out well u Overall PI should get a High Rating: It serves an important process and is easy to install and use.