Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: Názov FOOD in BRITAIN ANGLICKÝ JAZYK Dátum: Autor: Mgr. Tatiana Žišková
The renowed English breakfast starts with a glass of juice and cereal, ussualy cornflakes with milk, or porridge
this will be followed by: fried or grilled bacon and eggs sausages and tomatoes spicy beans in tomato sauce kippers they round off with cups of coffee or tea with milk and buttered toast with marmelade
nowadays such a substantial breakfast is not as common as it used to be.
a bowl of cereals and orange juice are more common
or just some joghurt with fruit
time of lunch depends on the time of break at work - it is a light meal or snack - meat with chips - sandwiches - vegetable - pasta - fruit - salad
the main meal of the day – a two or three- course dish, usually consists of – some soup,meat potatoes, rice or pasta and vegetable, or some salad, followed by desert hot brown gravy juice is put on the roast meat and some vegetables / mostly potatoes, brocolli or pea more popolar nowadays is curry- rice or pasta
Roast beef
Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding,potatoes and vegetable, Toad-in-the-Hole
Chicken,fish and chips, Yorkshire pudding filled with meat and mashed potatoes
Shepherd's pie, peas and tomatoes Bangers (sausages) and mash Ploughman's lunch
Did you know? If someone asks you if you 'would like a cuppa', they are asking if you would like a cup of tea. If someone says 'let me be mother' or 'shall I be mother', they are offering to pour out the tea from the teapot.
Thank you for your attention Tatiana Žišková, GVPT Martin, 2015