The Genesis Creation Account Part 2 – Creation Days Five and Six Creation of the Animals by David C. Bossard
LECTURE PART TWO THE CREATION OF ANIMALS DAYS FIVE AND SIX Creation of Animals Use of general terms for created things Meaning of "After its kind." Question of Relationship. 2
LECTURE PART TWO THE CREATION OF ANIMALS DAYS FIVE AND SIX Creation of Animals Use of general terms for created things -- Even unique things as Sun and Moon. Meaning of "After its kind." Question of Relationship. 3
LECTURE PART TWO THE CREATION OF ANIMALS DAYS FIVE AND SIX Creation of Animals Use of general terms for created things -- Even unique things as Sun and Moon. Meaning of "After its kind." Question of Relationship. 5 Plants and fruit trees have seed "after its kind" God created sea creatures and winged birds "after its kind" God made land animals "after their kind" "After its Kind" is a celebration not a limitation … Celebrating the fact that the blueprint passes on to the offspring.
… Is this amount of change within the scope of "after its kind?" Creation of Animals … All directed by the same highly conserved hox gene package. … So how do the evolutionary changes take place? … And what is the actual mechanism for remembering "good" changes as they occur? (Problem: it seems to require many coordinated changes.) 6
LECTURE PART TWO THE CREATION OF ANIMALS DAYS FIVE AND SIX Question of Relationship. Use of general terms for created things -- Even unique things as Sun and Moon. Meaning of "After its kind." Question of Relationship. -The role of time in Environmental Preparation -- gradual build-up of biomass and variety to support advanced animals and man. 7
"The Magnates Walk First" Hugh Miller, 1850 The complexity of the earliest fossil fish "Organizations of a higher order preceded many of the lower forms of animal life." "The very oldest [fish] species fall naturally into an order … not at the bottom, but at the top of the whole class." William Buckland, 1837 Edward Hitchcock, 1851 Examples: Question of Relationship. 8
"The Magnates Walk First" Hugh Miller, 1850 The paradox of the Eukaryote progenitor "no grounds to consider any group of eukaryotes primitive" "most... evolved from more complex ancestral forms by reductive evolution." Koonin EV: Origin and early evolution of eukaryotes (2010) Origin and early evolution of eukaryotes Examples: Question of Relationship. 9
Do common gene packages imply a common ancestor? Secular view: Only three ways: 1. Random chance. 2. Direct Gene-sharing (Conjugation & Horizontal Gene transfer Only observed in bacteria) 3. Common Ancestor. Creationist view: Above Plus … 4. Genes re-use to create (some?) new species (however done: physically, logically, etc.) 10
Question of Relationship. Example: The Central Dogma. A Complex protocol involving complex gene packages Shared by all living species. * TOO COMPLEX TO HAVE ARISEN BY CHANCE MULTIPLE TIMES. Thus a secular evolutionist concludes that all of life derives from a single first living bacterial cell. Too complex to have arisen even once by chance? "It is mere rubbish thinking at present of the origin of life; one might as well think of the origin of matter." Charles Darwin (ltr, 1863) 11
LECTURE PART TWO THE CREATION OF ANIMALS DAYS FIVE AND SIX Creation of Animals Comments on the Fossil Record and how it relates to the Creation Narrative. 12
Creation Day Five Fifth Workday: Day Five Task: Fill the Earth with Animals – Sea and Air 20 And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” Day Five - Genesis 1:20-23 Coelacanth Latimeria A "Living Fossil" for over 360 Million years bird footprint with raindrops Triassic (230 Ma) Archaeopteryx Jurassic (180 Ma) 13
Creation Day Six Sixth Workday: Day Six Task: a. Fill the Earth with Animals – Land 24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” Day Six A - Genesis 1:24-25 Livestock (Behemah) = Grazers? (cattle, sheep, hippotamus!) Creeping Things = Burrowing animals, ground animals? Beasts of the earth = Carnivores? Wild Animals, predators? 14
Creation Day Six Sixth Workday: Day Six Task: b. Create Man (= "Adam") from Earth (Adamah) 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock* and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Day Six B - Genesis 1:26-31 * behemah [בְּהֵמָה] 15