The Honduran White Bat E.P. Sudhoff November 7, 2003 Mrs. Rew’s Second Grade Class Cumberland, Elementary
2 Names for Honduran White Bats Official Name “Ectophylla alba” Other Names Honduran Ghost Bats
3 Honduran White Bat Facts Height: 2 Inches Wingspan: 4 Inches Weight: 5 Grams
4 Honduran White Bats Live Here Central America Honduras Nicaragua Cost Rica Panama
5 Honduran White Bats Are Busy During Day Hang Upside in Tents, Which They Make Out of Leaves They Feel Tents Shake if Animals Try to Attack During Night Eat Fruit Especially American Figs Poop Out Seeds to Grow Into New Plants Also Eat Flowers, Pollen, and Insects
6 Threats to Honduran White Bats Animals Possums Raptors Owls Snakes People Destroy Their Homes to Make Room for Houses, Stores, and Farms Bats Are Not Endangered They Have Learned to Live on People’s Farms