i live and eat and breathe basketball and i’m not having any fun he deduced and applause and accolades aren’t enough.
“I live, eat, and breathe basketball, and I’m not having any fun,” he deduced. “Applause and accolades aren’t enough.”
Topic Sentence Just like with a summary paragraph, the topic sentence tells what the paragraph will be about. Use the chart to help you write one. TOPICSTRONG VERBFINISH THE THOUGHT
Lead In... You need evidence for your body paragraphs to show you know facts about your person. THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A COMPLETE SENTENCE. It can be as simple as “first”, “Also”, “A detail that show this trait”, “An example of how he changed was”, “For example,”
Quote Repeat or copy words from a text or a speech. THIS DOES NOT have to be something the person has said.
Explain Now that you have placed your quote, describe what it means. What is the point you are trying to get at by having this quote? What does this quote prove or show your reader?
Transitional Sentence This is a sentence that uses a transitional word to flow to the next idea. Another way Joseph Campbell changed was...
T Joseph Campbell lead a normal life within the ordinary world before becoming a famous philosopher. L It’s stated that, Q “Joe’s earliest years were largely unremarkable.” E No strong details were given about his early childhood, he had a younger brother and his parents were a strong Roman Catholic couple. T His ordinary life was soon starting to change when he received the “Call to Adventure” when he was seven.
Now the Conclusion... Restate your thesis. Use the same idea, but switch up the words.
Step 2 Summarize your entire essay in 3 sentences
Step 3 End with a line that leaves your reader thinking. This could be another interesting quote, a shocking statement, a rhetorical question.