Dolphins are intelligent marine animals and they are part of the family toothed whales. Dolphins are gray and they have darker backs than the rest of their bodies. Dolphins have been interacting with people for a very long time but the most dangerous predator are humans.
They are different types of dolphins that live in different areas. Some dolphins actually live in rivers but most of them live in the ocean. The dolphins that live in the river are close to being extinct because people don’t take care of them properly. The ones that live in the ocean are found around the world, they usually live in temperate and tropical waters. They are found from northern Japan to Australia and Southern California to Chile.
Although dolphins eat other fish, they also have other creatures that will hunt them for a meal. Dolphins make a tasty meal because they have high fat content they provide great nutrients for other predators. The dolphins only natural predator is the shark and only the larger species of shark hunt them. Sharks are not the most dangerous predator to dolphins. In fact, humans are the most dangerous threat to dolphins because some people eat dolphins and fishermen kill them so that they wont ruin their catch of fish.
Dolphins eat many different species of sea animals. Some dolphins will eat fish like herring, cod or mackerel while others will sometimes eat squid. Large dolphins will even eat marine animals like seals, sea lions and sea turtles. Some dolphins will even team up with killer whales to catch fish and other prey.
Dolphins are important because they are goo0d natural indicators of the environment health. They eat several species of fish and squid that are available contaminates in the water. When people monitor dolphins, they check the levels of contaminates in their bodies and help scientist preserve the environment.
Dolphins are endangered because they are threatened by fishing nets and commercial killing. Some countries eat dolphins and are decreasing the number of dolphins, Some people pollute the ocean and can give cancerous tumors due to harmful contaminates.
People help protect dolphins by mostly cleaning up the ocean. Dolphins ingest plastic and metal and that may leave them to slowly starve to death. Also, people are now being careful when they use their boats because they can cause damage to their bodies.