Boa Constrictors By Dj Alloway 2015 Snakes Boa Constrictors By Dj Alloway 2015
What They Eat Boas eat lizards, mice, birds, rats, small pigs, and bats. They eat by camoflauging themselves then striking.
WHAT THEY EAT Rattlesnakes eat birds, lizards, mice, and rats. They eat by wrapping the prey up and using their venom.
Body Features Boas are thick, long snakes. Most boas are 6-8 ft.
Body Features A rattlesnake’s rattle is more fragile than a glass bottle. Their scales are shapes of diamonds.
Habitat Boas live mostly in rainforests but sometimes in dens or burrows .
Habitat Rattlesnakes live in rocky deserts, and muddy swamps.
Growing up Boas lay more eggs than rattlesnakes because they don’t have venom to pass. Boas lay up to 50 eggs at a time.
Growing up Rattlesnakes grow up in groups
Fun Facts Rattlesnakes hiss is heard from 50 feet away! A zoo boa is 20 years old!