Lineman Training & Recruiting Presented By: Paul Elkins Georgetown Utility Systems
Concerns – Issues – Complications Facing ALL Power Utility Companies
TrainingTechnology Recruitment Retention Aging
Aging Workforce Nationwide continued heavy loss of experienced & talented Journeyman level lineman Maintaining Mental Aptitude & Physical Abilities to to continue performance at safe levels of intensity Increased risk of injury to self or coworkers Effectiveness on the job adapting to new technologies Dependability by maintaining healthy life style Pending retirements affecting the industry
Technology Advancements & Complications New Tools Advanced Logic Equipment –AMI Metering –Self Healing Circuit Devices –Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation –Smart Grid in General Lineman Adaptation to New Devices Technical Staffing Needs
Training Lineman for our Future Resources for Training Training Academies Internships & Internal Mentorships Certification Programs Vendor Associations Higher Education
Retention of Lineman Strong Safety Programs Pay and Benefits Career Advancement Paths Continuous Training & Education Quality of Workplace & Environment Open Minded Management Group Ownership in Tasks and Changes Providing proper tools and equipment for tasks
Recruitment & Replacement of Lineman Local High School Participation Off the street Vocational Trades or Technical Colleges From Electrical Contractors From Other Electrical Utilities Technical Colleges Out of State
Solutions Implemented for Georgetown Utility Systems
In-House Lineman Training Program US Department of Labor approved 1-1mentor/mentee relationship 8000 hours of documented OJT –(grandfathering existing staff by evaluation) 4 year text study utilizing Merchants Training 9 steps for advancement from entry to Journeyman through 5 levels of classification and pay groups Regulated pace with options to accelerate Mandatory participation Mandatory advancement through program with no parking
Buy-In Lineman have a voice and opportunity to make changes with policies/procedures through team work Crew rotations between construction/maintenance crews and service crews Variety of opportunities for construction, service & maintenance projects New tools and equipment as budget allows Team building & enabling opportunities capitalized as situations arise Training yard for coach-team activities in learning or re-learning construction activities and proper use of equipment
Partnership with Austin Community College –Development of 3 semester lineman certificate program & 5 semester lineman associate degree plan as a hopeful base to recruit new staff –Pre-qualify students for insertion into the lineman field with basic knowledge and skill sets for quicker adaptation to the field –Group effort by area utilities including Austin Energy, Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative, Georgetown Utility Systems, LCRA, Oncor Electric Delivery & Pedernales Electric Cooperative
Ending Notes Create a Balanced Work Force Provide quality training for new and existing lineman to keep up with technology Provide quality training for new and existing lineman to keep up with technology Start recruiting efforts within the community and other education agencies now Start recruiting efforts within the community and other education agencies now Create opportunities within organization for maximum retention of trained staff Create opportunities within organization for maximum retention of trained staff Build an enabling work environment with career opportunities Build an enabling work environment with career opportunities Don’t wait to replace the majority of aging staff at one time Don’t wait to replace the majority of aging staff at one time Strive for a well trained staff so replacement staff can be brought in at entry level and trained by seasoned staff Strive for a well trained staff so replacement staff can be brought in at entry level and trained by seasoned staff