PATHWAYS TO POLICY Clare Devereux Policy Director Food Matters
Social Enterprise - mix of consultancy, project and service delivery Work at grassroots and national policy level Whole food systems approach – developing a integrated holistic approach to food work whether nationally or at community level Policy key to delivery of long term benefits through food Work to ensure policy both locally and nationally is informed by grassroots work Food Matters’ approach...
Food at the heart.... Food Health and wellbeing Economic development Social cohesion Culture Reducing inequalities Environmental sustainability
Food Work in Brighton & Hove....
Bring together a city-wide cross-sector partnership of public agencies (health, environment, economy), businesses, NGOs, voluntary & community organisations & academic bodies. Develop an action plan based on a joint vision and common goals on how to make healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of their city Work to embed the principles of sustainable food in policy across the city to ensure the long term sustainability of food work The Sustainable Food Cities approach...
Economic Development Strategy Public Health strategies Tourism Strategy Community strategies Transport Housing Planning Policy....
Brighton & Hove Sustainability Checklist for Planning online sustainability checklist – a validation requirement series of ‘Food growing’ questions ‘Open Space’ section –additional allotments/community food growing areas Allows accurate monitoring Food & Planning
Food Growing and Development Proposals with food growing have increased from 1% to 38% Guidance has been welcomed Integrates food into the fabric of the city
Circus Street Re-development 106m2 Allotment space & raised beds roof garden for food growing (33.2m2) Fruit trees (25) and nut trees (7) Allotment space 106m2 created Create a head gardener post to oversee Management Post will develop community projects and events with residents and surrounding communities
develop a strategic and integrated food systems approach Ensure that policy makers are part of approach from the beginning and recognise its value in achieving a range of policy outcomes Develop relationships with key stakeholders (Planning Officers, developers) Develop a Food Strategy and associated Action Plan which is supported by local authority and other key stakeholders Ensure that all other strategies and policies include food where appropriate (e.g economic development) Pathways to Policy
Why food policy? What are our policies? How to engage widest possible stakeholder groups in policy development? Evidence based policy? How important (and what does it mean)? Issues to consider: