History in a Nut Shell
Democracy~ For the people by the people Athens, Greece (Direct) Roman Republic…(Indirect) –like America Magna Carta~ limited the power of the King Constitutional monarchs=limited monarchs –Bill of Rights –Mary & William of Orange
Enlightenment/French Revolution John Locke- Thomas Hobbes- Montesquieu- Fall of the Bastille Tennis Court Oath/Reign of Terror… Nap. Coup de etat Napoleonic Code Nap’s 3 mistakes….downfall –Continental system, Peninsular War, Invasion of Russia Congress of Vienna~ balance the power & restore the monarchs 100 Years
I.R. People moving from the rural area to the urban area –Urbanization (jobs) Machines…mass production (more food-less workers) Romanticism~ fake/imagination Realism~ REAL (Charles Dickens) –Influenced by I.R..
Imperialism~ Strong take over weak More land (colonies)=more power Industrialization=power Berlin Conference (divide Africa) –Britain/France most land –Ethiopia/Liberia~ ind. China… –Taiping Rebellion~ huge peasant rebellion –Boxer Rebellion~ kick foreigners out (failed) India’s Ind. from Britain –Mohandas Gandhi
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WWI Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. (Central Powers) Triple Entente: France, Great Britain, and Russia. (Allied Powers) Schlieffen Plan~ Germany’s 2-front war plan –Failed-brought Britain in war, lead to trench war on w. front Russian out Revolution-1917 US entered war for 2 reasons 1.Zimmerman telegram 2.Unrestricted sub-warfare Paris Peace Conference –League of Nations- –Treaty of Versailles (peace=20yrs) Suffered territory/military losses, war reparations($) guilt clause, excluded from League of Nations
The rise of Totalitarianism Italy~ Mussolini Fascism Black Shirts March on Rome Invasion of Ethiopia Italy~ Mussolini Fascism Black Shirts March on Rome Invasion of Ethiopia Germany~ Hitler Nazism Gestapo Mein Kampf Enabling act Appeasement Germany~ Hitler Nazism Gestapo Mein Kampf Enabling act Appeasement USSR~ Stalin Communism CHEKA The Great Purge Five Year Plan Collective Farms USSR~ Stalin Communism CHEKA The Great Purge Five Year Plan Collective Farms
1930s Munich Conference –Chamberlain- “Peace for are time” Civil War in Spain –Francisco Franco-Fascist Japan~ Rape of Nanking, China German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact US~ Isolated
WWII Invasion of Poland=Started WWII Axis Powers –Germany, Italy, & Japan Allied Powers –Britain & France The Fall of France Battle of Britain~ Churchill “ we will never surrender” Operation Barbarossa~ Invasion of USSR Holocaust~ camps mostly in Poland- killed 11 million total people
WWII (cont) Pearl Harbor- Japanese interment camps (FDR) D-Day~ US troops landed on the beaches of Normandy-began to drive Nazi’s back Battle of the Bulge –Hitler’s last attempt (failed) –Atomic Bomb (Truman) Nagasaki & Hiroshima United Nations Article 9 Japan cannot start war
Cold War US (capitalist) vs. USSR (Communist) Truman Doctrine~ contain communism Marshall Plan~ contain communism by giving $$$ Domino Theory (Eisenhower) if one falls to communist all do China~ communist Korea~ divided 38 th parallel Vietnam~ communist Cuba~ communist US won