The Life of Jesus (33) Instituting the Lord’s Supper.


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Presentation transcript:

The Life of Jesus (33) Instituting the Lord’s Supper

The Account Matt. 26:17-29 The first day – the Passover lamb slain John & Peter sent to city to find a place – man identified

The Account Matt. 26:17-29 AT evening, Jesus sits with the 12 He announces one of His own would betray Him (Jn. 13:21- 30) – Judas Iscariot identified At some point he leaves (Jn. 13:27)

The Account Matt. 26:17-29 Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper ( 26:26-29 ) Lk. 22:14-23 – more details. Based on Passover meal

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 The Lamb slain day before They reclined as a symbol of freedom During the meal – 4 cups used. Portions of the Law are read (Mishnah)

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 Meal begins with prayer of thanks The FIRST cup & washing hands, another short prayer (Possibly this is when Jesus washed the disciples feet (Jn. 13:1-17)

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 Passover lamb presented, with roasted herbs and unleavened bread The head takes bitter herbs and dips them in a salt water solution (sop) and eats it. Then others partake. The SECOND cup is filled

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 The youngest son asks, “Why the meal?”, etc. The head tells the account of the exodus and explains all the details They sing first part of the Hallel ( Psa )

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 The meal is eaten with its elements They again wash their hands and give thanks Some believe it is at this point that Judas leaves (Jn. 13:26-30)

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 A THIRD cup is filled (known as “the cup of blessing”) and a special blessing is spoken Most believe it is this cup with which Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (cf. 1 Cor. 10:16)

The Passover Meal Alfred Edersheim, The Temple, ch. 12 A FOURTH cup is drunk & 2 nd portion Hallel is sung (Psa ) They are done (cf. Matt. 26:30)

The Lord’s Supper Matt. 26:17-29 This occasion the foundation of our partaking of the Lord’s Supper Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-26

The Lord’s Supper We seek to follow the pattern with its elements and purpose! On first day of the week Acts 20:7

Purpose of Lord’s Supper A Memorial – Lk. 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:23-25 We remember what He suffered for us We remember WHY He died – Eph. 1:7, Matt. 26:28

Purpose of Lord’s Supper A proclamation 1 Cor. 11:26 We declare to others our belief in Him as our Savior We proclaim the hope of His return

Purpose of Lord’s Supper A time of reflection 1 Cor. 11:27-28 Let a man examine himself We consider our standing before God and how we ought to be – Rom. 6:1-11, 2 Cor. 5:14-15

Purpose of Lord’s Supper A time of communion 1 Cor. 10:16-17 Communion – fellowship (κοινωνία, koinōnia) A sharing (with spiritual implications)

Purpose of Lord’s Supper A time of communion Fellowship with Jesus With our brethren ( 1 Cor. 10:17, Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 11:18-20, 11:33) Remember We ARE brethren!

Purpose of Lord’s Supper Do we take this memorial seriously? ( 1 Cor. 11: ) Addresses the MANNER in which we observe this memorial (not our sinless perfection)

What does the Lord’s Supper mean to you?