Director of Agriculture Agriculture Department, Government of Gujarat
Total Geographical Area : 196 lakh hectares Net Area Sown : 90 lakh hectares Total Cropped Area : 139 lakh hectares Gross Irrigated area : lakh hectares Net Irrigated area : lakh hectares Total Operational land holder : lakh Average land holding : 2.03 ha CategoryNo. of Farmers (in Lakh No.) Land holding (in Lakh Ha.) SC1.63 (3.33%)2.94 (2.97%) ST5.04 (10.32%)9.68 (9.78%)
Total Operational land holder : lakh Average land holding : 2.03 ha. Category wise Land Holding Agriculture Census , LAND HOLDING STATUS
Agro climatic zone Type of soil Rain fall (mm) South Gujarat (Heavy Rain Area). Deep black with few patches of coastal alluvial, laterite and medium black 1500 and more South Gujarat Deep black clayey Middle Gujarat Deep black, medium black to loamy sand North Gujarat Sandy loam to sandy Bhal & Coastal Area Medium black, poorly drained and saline South Saurashtra Shallow medium black calcareous North Saurashtra Shallow medium black North West Zone Sandy and saline
Kharif Cotton Ground Nut Sesame Castor Paddy Bajara Maize Tur Mung Rabi / Summer Wheat Paddy Maize Mustard Gram Ground nut Bajara Mung Sugarcane Horticulture Mango Banana Chicku Pomegranate Vegetables Seed Spices
Area in lakh ha Sr.N o Crop Name Normal Area (last 3 years) Area covered during Kharif on corresponding week Area covered up to % to Normal A. Cereals 1 Paddy Bajara Jowar Maize Other Total B. Pulses 1 Tur Moong Muth Udid Other Total
Achievements of State in Food Grain Production during * Year APY as per Fourth estimate CROPArea (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Rice Jowar Bajra Maize Ragi Other cereals Total Cereal
Achievements of State Contnd. * Year APY as per Fourth estimate CROPArea (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Tur (Red Gram) Udad Mung(Green Gram) math94491 Other Pulses Total Pulses Total Food Grains
( Area in’000 ha) YearDistricts RiceWheatPulses NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM - Note: Data of Area is based on final forecast. * Data for year as per 4th advance estimates. # All districts of Gujarat State are covered under pulses from Area Scenario of Gujarat State
(Production 000MT) YearDistricts RiceWheatPulses NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM Note: Data of Area, Production & Yield is based on final forecast. * Data for year as per 4th advance estimates and State as whole # All districts of Gujarat State are covered under pulses from Production Scenario of Gujarat State
(Yield in Kg/ha) YearDistricts RiceWheatPulses NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM NFSM Non-NFSM Note: Data of Area, Production & Yield is based on final forecast. * Data for year as per 4th advance estimates and State as whole # All districts of Gujarat State are covered under pulses from Productivity Scenario of Gujarat State
Crop-wise Area of pulses to Sr. No. Crop Area (In 000’ Ha) Gram Tur Moong Urad Other Pulses
Crop-wise Production of pulses to Sr. No.Crop Production (In 000’ MT) Gram Tur Moong Urad Other Pulses
Crop-wise Yield of pulses to Sr. No.Crop Yield (In 000’ Kg/ha) Gram Tur Moong Urad Other Pulses
Crop-wise Area of Cereals to Sr. No. Crop Area (In 000’ Ha) Joawar Bajra Maize Rice Wheat Total Cereals
Crop-wise Production of Cereals to Sr. No.Crop Production (In 000’ MT) Joawar Bajra Maize Rice Wheat Total Cereals
Crop-wise Yield of Cereals to Sr. No.Crop Yield (In 000’ Kg/ha) Joawar Bajra Maize Rice Wheat Total Cereals
Use of micro nutrients is increased in deficit areas Adoption of farm mechanization increased Varietal replacement rate is increased i.e. PULSE (Tur)- Vaishali, GT-103, GJP- 1 PULSE (Moong)- Meha and Gujarat 4, GBM- 1, PULSE (Gram)- Guj. 2 and Guj. Gram 3 Distribution of soil health cards to all the farmers Pre season arrangement of inputs through Gujarat State seed Corporation and Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Implementation of schemes in cluster approach
Increase in Seed Replacement Rate. Learned importance of Varietal Replacement Rate Increased use of on farm resources and low cost inputs like bio fertilizers, organic manures, crop residue management, vermi- compost etc. Use of water saving devices and micro irrigation systems Farmers learned to adopt INM and IPM Local initiative component provide better understanding in water conservation I-khedut portal for quick and transparent delivery of assistance 19
Success story More Production of Gram (Chick pea) by the farmer of Sami Taluka (Gujarat State) State Average Yield (Gram) : 1251 Kg/ha Farmer’s Yield (Gram) : 2100 Kg/ha
SUCCESS STORY Out of the farmers growing Gram (Chickpea) of Sami taluka Dist. Patan, Nadoda Dajubhai Mansangbhai has done successful farming in Gram during the Year Introduction of the farmer is as below. Farmers Name: Nadoda Dajubhai Mansangbhai Village: Orumana Ta: Sami (Sankheswar) Dist,: Patan State: Gujarat (M) Words of Mr. Dajubhai- During the year sowing of Gram crop increased in Rabi season due to late rainy spell in Sami taluka. I received seed of Gram under National Food Security Mission scheme and follows the agricultural practices from sowing to harvesting under the guidance of State Agriculture department. Due to the utmost care was taken for judicious use of fertilizer and plant protection measures, I have taken more production crossing average yield.
Name of CropGram Name of VarietyGujarat Gram 3 Sown area2 Ha Seed Rate75-80 Kg/ha Seed TreatmentThiram following culture Fertiliser application Organic Manure- 40 bags (2000 Kg/ha) Plant protectionPheromone Trap, spraying of NPV Estimated Yield2100 Kg/ha Information of crop & crop practices Sr.No.Total cost Rs./ haIncome DetailsExpense 1Land Preparation750/- Estimated Yield 2100 Kg/ha. Estimated Market price Rs. 500/20 Kg. Total Income Rs /ha. 2Fertiliser3700/- 3Seed2850/- 4Plant Protection500/- 5Other expensis200/- TOTAL8000/- Cost of Cultivation and Income:
Particularly for the rice four districts are covered and the area have 1000 factories of popped rice, and their required Gurjari Variety. So, farmers are not ready to adopt new variety GAR.-13 even sufficient seed availability. Please give us a special permission for Gurajari variety. Increase more district in Rice crop. Formation of new district is take place in Gujarat in 2013, earlier there is 26 district now it is 33 district. Please consider it and provide PMT for new districts. in all crops 10 & 15 year age limit is there, many dominant varieties which are better than new variety even though they are out of subsidy. Please include well performing old varieties for seed distribution/demo in interest of state farmers. Ratio of seed distribution/demo: other components (60:40) is also revised
Thank you…