Mid Day Meal Scheme 1 Ministry of HRD Government of India PAB-MDM Meeting – Dadra & Nagar Haveli On
Review of Implementation of MDMS in Dadra & Nagar Haveli (Primary + Upper Primary) ( to ) Part-I Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Status on Pre-requisite steps for AWP&B Pre-requisite stepStatus Plan should be approved by SSMC Meeting Yes 100% payment of honorarium shall be made to cook cum helpers up to December 2013 Yes 100% payment of cost of foodgrains shall be made to FCI upto 31st December 2013 Yes Separate and detailed MME plan. Yes Bank account should be opened for cook cum helpers Yes Plan should also be submitted through MDM-MIS Yes
Contd.. Pre-requisite stepStatus Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY should be completed up to December Yes ATN on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of No ATN on findings of reports of MI and recommendations of JRM reports Yes Plan should be submitted within the scheduled date in hard and soft copies both. Yes
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Issues Food grains were not delivered to the door steps at school level in few schools. (MI report) Pucca Kitchen shed was not available in most of the visited schools. The involvement of the community members in monitoring the MDM programme was Inadequate. No grievance redressal mechanism.
Best Practices All the children wash hands and say prayers before meals. UT is adding more than its mandatory share for honorarium to cook-cum-helpers. It is decided to provided Cap, Apron and gloves to all the Cook-cum- helpers. Provision of R.O. plant for drinking water in 65 schools.
SCORE CARD- ALL COMPONENTS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 2.1
Coverage : CHILDREN Enrolment vs Achievement (PRY) No. of Children (in Thousands) 71% 79% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : CHILDREN Enrolment vs Achievement (U. PRY) No. of Children (in Thousands) 71% 76% 79% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Summary of performance - Physical
Summary of performance - Financial
Coverage : School Health Programme DetailsInstitutionsChildren Total in UT Health Checkup IFA Distribution Vitamin ‘A’ Distribution 00 Deworming Tablets 00 Spectacles Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis of UT’s Proposal for Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for : Children (Primary) 14 No. of children (in Thousands) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Q-3Q-2 Q-1 Proposed
Proposal for : Children (Upper Primary) 15 No. of children (in Thousands) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Proposed
Proposals and Recommendations 16 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India S. No ComponentPAB Approval Proposal for Recommendati on 1Children (Pry) Children (NCLP)000 3Children (U Pry) Working Day (Pry and U Pry) 227 – Pry 227 – U Pry 230 – Pry & U Pry 230 – Pry & U Pry 5Kitchen cum Store100Nil 6Cook cum Helper861No additional 7Kitchen DevicesNA 8Kitchen Devices (Replacement/Repair) NA 9 National Requirement of Central Assistance Rs. 738 lakh Rs. 450 Lakh
Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
It may be Painted at prominent Places on the outside wall of the school. It may be Painted at prominent Places on the outside wall of the school. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India The MDM Logo should be Widely Publicized The MDM Logo should be Widely Publicized.