CHAPLAIN CARE CARING FOR THE CHAPLAIN AND THE AGENCIES WE SERVE ICPC Region 2 RTS, January 2011 SENIOR CHAPLAIN CYNDEE THOMAS Redding Police Department 1313 California Street Redding, CA Phone: Fax: President, International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC)
What are the challenges facing today’s Chaplain? Unrealistic goals Too many things to too many people Feeling unfulfilled Too much work - too little time Unable to help all the people in need No one to talk to about personal problems Financial needs Balancing family, church, chaplaincy
What are the challenges facing today’s Officer? Unrealistic goals Too many things to too many people Feeling unfulfilled Too much work - too little time Unable to help all the people in need No one to talk to about personal problems Financial needs Balancing family, work, 2 nd family
The Warning Signs: Indicators of Burnout/Stress Feelings of overwhelmed/powerless Unable to meet constant demands Feelings of failure and hopelessness Loss of interest, motivation, or emotional energy Frustration Low energy levels Reduced productivity Irritability, sadness, cynicism Detachment, withdrawal and isolation
The Chaplain’s Role Ministry of Presence – Walk along side and a listening ear Ministry of Purpose – Know your role and the work to do Ministry of Peace – Chaos is contagious, so is Peace, bring Peace.
Positive Steps Offer hope during the worst times Be available – go for coffee Do ride-alongs so you can listen Be positive Offer spiritual and emotional support Poor relationships and isolation contribute to burnout Watch for signs of “withdrawal”
The Chaplain’s Pro-activity What can you do to be proactive in your agency? Why is that necessary? – Cards – birthdays, promotions, illness – Feasts – Thanksgiving, Shift change – Spouse Events – luncheons, – Welcome & Baby baskets – Meals – during illness, surgery – Visits to department and official functions
The Chaplain - an asset? PEER Support Team? CISM Trained? Additional ICPC credentials? Other credentials? Additional classes? What is important to your agency?
Stay out of the Danger Zone Too much “like an Officer”? Too “entitled” Too casual Too overbearing Too “flakey” Too risky Too friendly
LESSONS LEARNED 1.Assignments often change before you arrive. Be flexible and never complain.
LESSONS LEARNED 2.What has worked before doesn’t always work in every situation. Avoid phrases like, “When I was” or “When I worked.. ”
LESSONS LEARNED 3.What is a crisis to one person is not always to another. Everyone may not be in crisis, seek those that need your help.
LESSONS LEARNED 4.Great numbers of people in crisis can be overwhelming. Find those individuals that God is directing you to help.
LESSONS LEARNED 5.Realize that you may not be able to help everyone. Help those that you can.
LESSONS LEARNED 6.A tragedy can cause other problems to surface causing reactions due to, or related to, other events. Offer help, regardless of the event, circumstance or reaction.
LESSONS LEARNED 7.Be willing to serve where you are sent. Accept that where you are, is where you can be used.
LESSONS LEARNED 8.Every individual is important to God. Work one on one whenever possible.
LESSONS LEARNED 9.Tragedies create many different feelings. Allow individuals to tell their story. Listen to them rather than offering solutions.
LESSONS LEARNED 10.WHEREVER YOU ARE – YOU ARE AN INVITED GUEST. – You are not entitled to be there. – Offer assistance where ever needed. – Do not request another assignment.
Stress Management How do we know if we need help? Are we responsible for our own Stress Management Program? Where can you get help? Who can you call?
H = HEALTHY HABITS “They made me keeper of the vineyards, But my own vineyard I have not kept.” Song of Solomon 1:6 Eat properly Exercise Get enough sleep Learn how to say NO Find ways to relax Take time off - , phone, texts Enjoy your life – moment by moment!
E = EDUCATION “Teach me what I do not see” Job 34:32 Determine what causes stress in your life and eliminate what you can Discover ways to manage the stress you cannot eliminate Identify your support system and rely on them Learn how to adapt to change Take a class – get a new hobby
L = LAUGHTER “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” Proverbs 17:22 Find ways to enjoy your life Spend time with friends Develop and nurture close relationships Create time for fun and relaxation “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord” Psalm 144:15
P = PRAYER “O God listen to my cry, Hear my prayer.” Psalm 61:1 Be committed to your prayer life Stay connected to God Develop a balance between God, Family, Work, Volunteer Work/Chaplaincy Work daily on your own Spiritual Renewal
CHAPLAIN CARE You are there to SERVE, not preach, judge, or complain. Chaplain’s Ministry is Presence, Purpose and Peace. CARE for yourself in order to better CARE for others. Cast all your cares on God for He cares for you.
CHAPLAIN CARE “For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall” Psalm 18:29