The Overhead Projector (OHP) It is a handy device that had its beginning with the corporate and business worlds before it was adapted as an audiovisual devise in the classroom. It is used to present facts and figures, illustrations and photographs during business meetings, conferences, seminars and workshop. Acetates or transparencies are used which can be personally prepared by the teacher using colored pens which are so designed for it.
Opaque Projector It is a device used in throwing on a screen of an enlarged image of any picture, illustrations, drawings, or printed materials which are not transparent. The advantage of using this device is that there is no need for the processing of materials to be projected. Any pictures or illustrations can be projected as it is. The only disadvantage of it is that, there is a limited source of the device.
Slides These are pictures made on flat transparencies projected by a specific type of projector into which individual slides are inserted one at a time. They can be used to enrich experiences in any subject area if properly integrated with the lesson.
Filmstrips These are continuous length of 35-mm film from as few as ten to as many as a hundred pictures; these are projected by filmstrip projector. With a 35-mm camera and some raw film stock, the teacher can prepare these easily. On the contrary, these are expensive.
Advantages of Projected Media The images or facts and figures are flexible. They can be enlarged and be viewed by a large number of class or audience. More concentration on the part of the students is guaranteed. The light on the screen in a semi – darkened room allows the students to focus their attention into the materials. Direct contact between the teacher and the students is being practiced. It is easy to manipulate. The acetate can be personally made by the teacher herself. Relationship between the subject matter being discussed is properly illustrated through the teacher-made transparencies or pictures.
Standards in Using the Projected Media Make the text, the illustrations or pictures are big enough, to be seen by the farthest student. They must be colorful. Plan for a dramatic presentation. Do not expose the items all at the same time especially when discussing a process step by step. Do not repeat the text or the picture being presented. Put off the projector for prolonged explanations, or when it is not needed.