SINDH LAUNCH 27 th January 2011
ASER Pakistan 2010
Access – Children (6-16 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children %Children In Different Types Of Schools% Out of School Total Age Group Govt.Pvt.MadrasahOthers Never Enrolled Drop- out Total By Type
Access – Children (3-5 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children Age GroupGovt.PrivateMadrasahOthers Out of school (%) Total Total By Type EFA/NPA target : 45% enrollment by 2015
Results are based on the sample collected from 6 Districts mentioned above
ASER 2010 – Sindh Sample Description Sr NoDistrictsVillages House HoldChildrenSchool 1Gotki305901, Khairpur306001, Mirpurkhas305861, Mithi306001, Sukkur305971, Umerkot305801,51530 Sindh*180 3,55310, * Based on the 6 districts surveyed. ** 58% Male and 42% Female *** 148 Govt. Schools and 17Private Schools
Access – Children (6-16 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children %Children In Different Types Of Schools% Out of school Total Age GroupGovt.Pvt.MadrasahOthers Never Enrolled Drop-out Total By Type
15% 32% 35% 6% 5% 3% 15% Over all = 20% Out of School Children (Age 6-16 years)
Access – Children (6-16 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children Note : Sukkur showing very low enrollment which may be due to recent Flood
Access – Children (6-10 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children Sr #DistrictsSchooling Out of School 1Khairpur78%22% 2Mithi73%27% 3Gotki71%29% 4Umerkot66%34% 5Mirpurkhas63%37% 6Sukkur59%41% Sindh68%32%
Access – Children (3-5 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children Age GroupGovt.PrivateMadrasahOthers Out of school (%) Total Total By Type EFA/NPA target = 50% enrollment by 2015 In Sindh it is both ACCESS and QUALITY as key challenges with hardly any teachers or infrastructure in govt. schools - encouraging early drop outs !
The EFA National Plan of Action Target 50% by Children in Pre School (Age 3-5 years) Over all = 45% 33 % 31% 48% 64% 73 % 68% 52 %
Access – Children (3-5 Years) School Enrollment and Out of School Children
Class-wise Enrollment Diminishing return.. Disappearing children adding to the out of school stock
Enrollment and Out of School Children (Age 6-16 Years) Proportionately More Girls in Govt. Schools Households do pay for Girls Education! Echoing trends of GMR..slightly more Girls are out of school than boys … up to age 13
Private Tuition by School Type School/ Class Govt Pvt
22% 5% 6% 12 % 9% 28% 9% Over all = 14% Paid Tuition (Govt. & Private Schools)
Learning Levels
Learning Levels (Government and Private Schools in Different Classes) not controlled for differences in learning
Learning Levels Out of School Children - Opportunity for Second Chance Programs Children in schools when not learning well are at risk of dropping out throughout the school cycle.. Adding to the pool of OOSC!
Learning Level (Urdu / Sindhi) Over All Female Sr No DistrictsBeginnerLettersWords Sentenc esStory BeginnerLettersWords Sentenc esStory 1 Umerkot26%18%15%12%28%35%42%33%34%35% 2 Gotki16%20%21%17%26%34%28%32%30%32% 3 Khairpur27%17%21%12%22%43%36%37%42%34% 4 Mithi34%20% 10%16%46%43%44%39%36% 5 Sukkur42%17%16%9%16%35%36%38%35%30% 6 MirpurKhas26%19%25%18%13%44%32%34%33%29% Total29%19%20%13%20%40%36%37%35%33%
Learning Level (English) Over AllFemale Sr NoDistricts Beginner Capital Letters Small LettersWords Sentence sBeginner Capital Letters Small LettersWordsSentences 1 Gotki28%17% 21%17%29%34%29%34%30% 2 Khairpur36%14%11%21%19%34%36%40%39%36% 3 MirpurKhas47%7%12%20%14%26%25%36%24%34% 4 Mithi48%16%7%13%16%46% 31%34% 5 Sukkur35%20%16% 14%34%39%32%23%40% 6 Umerkot49%15%9% 17%38% 37%28%34% Total40%15%12%17% 36%38%35%32%34%
Learning Level (Arithmetic) Over AllFemale Sr NoDistrictsBeginner Number Recognition 1-9 Number Recogniti on 10-99SubtrationDivisionBeginner Number Recogniti on 1-9 Number Recogniti on Subtracti onDivision 1 Gotki17%20%26%20%17%31%35%28%35%29% 2 Khairpur29%19%22%15% 42%39%40%37%30% 3 MirpurKhas34%18% 12%39%43%31%34%21% 4 Mithi37%23%17%9%14%46%45%38%36% 5 Sukkur46%19%20%9%7%34%40%31%26%43% 6 Umerkot40%20%15%12%13%34%41%38%42%28% Total33%20% 14%13%38%40%34%35%31%
Water Facility
Toilet Facility
School Grants School Funds Grants received by school Government SchoolPrivate School Primary (1-5) Elementary (1-8) High (1-10) OtherPrimary (1-5) Elementary (1-8) High (1-10) Other No. of school received any grant Average amount of Grant
Mothers Literacy Sr NoDistricts Total TestedLiterateilliterate 1 Gotki33%43%57% 2 Khairpur30%41%59% 3 Sukkur24%37%63% 4 MirpurKhas61%17%83% 5 Umerkot49%16%84% 6 Mithi50%10%90%