The Special software of the subsystem automated control of financing political parties State Automated System ("Vybory")
CEC RF ECSRF SPS SA CFPP Functions of SPS SACFPP The basic functions which are carried out with the help of Complex of means of automation of election commissions of Subjects of the Russian Federation: Storage and check of data on receipt and expenditure of funds of regional branches, other registered structural units of a political party; «Data on receipt and an expenditure of funds» registration and accounting of the data on donations, return of donations, expenditures in the form of monetary funds and other property set in the information on receipt and expenditure of funds of regional branches, other registered structural units of a political party; Check of donation legitimacy; Consistency check between the data set in the information on receipt and expenditure of monetary funds of regional branches, other registered structural units, and the data from appendices to data; Compilation of final report forms.
CEC RF ECSRF SPS SA CFPP Functions of SPS SACFPP The basic functions which are carried out with the help of Complex of means of automation CEC RF: Storage and check of data on receipt and expenditure of funds of a political party, regional branches, other registered structural units of a political party; Collection of information on receipt and expenditure of funds of all regional branches, other registered structural units of a political party; «Data on receipt and expenditure of funds» registration and accounting of the data on donations, return of donations, expenditures in the form of monetary funds and other property out of quarterly data on receipt and expenditure means of a political party; «Summary financial report» registration and recording of information on receipt, return, expenditure of funds in the Consolidated financial report of a political party; recording information on political party’s property, contained in the consolidated financial report ; check of donation legitimacy; control over sources of the funds set in the information on receipt and expenditure of monetary funds of a political party and in its consolidated financial report; control over the volume of funds set in the information on receipt and expenditure of monetary funds of a political party and in it’s consolidated financial report; Check of data reliability of a political party’s property, contained in the summary financial report of a political party; Compilation of final report forms.
Political parties Receipt and processing of information Input of data to special software the SACFPP Data on receipt and expenditure of funds Regional branches Automatic check of data in SACFPP Compilation of account forms
Verification of donators – natural persons External control body FMS Automated compilation of data to be forwarded for the check Discrepancies aren’t revealed Discrepancies are revealed Data control in SREPR The results of the check are received, the information on the discrepancies is being input in the system Excess of the donation threshold Foreign donator Under-aged donator Anonymous donator
Verification of information on donators – legal entities Controlling body (FTS, Minjust) Compilation of data to be forwarded for the check Data сheck in the Uniform state register of legal entities SPO SACFPP The information on the discrepancies is being input in the system The results of the check are received
Types of data checks Internal check is intended to check of arithmetic correctness of the consolidated information on the flows of monetary funds and other property Cameral check is intended to verify the conformity of the consolidated information on the flows of the monetary funds and other property and the data set out in the appendices Control over the information on the receipt and expenditure of the funds, consolidated financial report SPO SACFPP provides the possibility to carry on automated check of quarterly data and consolidated financial report
Informational interaction between election commissions chart CEC ECSRF Forms of financial reports input Political parties expenditure thresholds Information on financing of regional branches of political parties
The control over the conformity of the annual and the quarterly reports and publication of the consolidated information Report DREM I quarter Consolidated financial report(SFR) Report DREM II quarter Report DREM III quarter Report DREM IV quarter Political parties, Regional branches PP Political parties Conformity c heck Publication of consolidated information