Sons of Charles Martel: With Chrotrud: Carloman (MD ) and Pippin III the Short (MD , r ) With Swanahild: Grifo
Sons of Charles Martel - Inheritance: Carloman: Austrasia, Alemannia, Thuringia Pippin III the Short: Burgundy, Neustria Provence Grifo: ???
741 Death of Charles Martel Periodic rebellions by Grifo 747 Abdication of Carloman 753 Anointing of Pippin as king by Pope Stephen II (p ); death of Grifo; Carloman’s sons sent to monastery
Challenges: Relationship with popes Internal control Expansion and foreign relations
Reign of Theuderic IV Reign of Childeric III 750 Pippin writes to Pope Zacharias (p ) Map Link: Italy c. 751: < c/ce/Aistulf%27s_Italy-en.pngc/ce/Aistulf%27s_Italy-en.png>
751 Pippin deposes Childeric III and is elected, anointed and raised king at Soissons 753 Pippin, wife (Bertrada) and sons (Charles, Carloman) anointed by Pope Stephen II (p )
Pippin fights two campaigns against Lombards Donation of Pippin: giving pope territories taken by Lombards, incl. formerly Byzantine lands Donation of Constantine
Means of internal control: Superiority over family members Becoming king Co-opting church: Church councils Restructuring
Power of bishops - stripped of land Bishops also controlling monasteries -monasteries made independent Powerful families -support of lay followers and grateful abbots
742, 745, Campaigns vs. Aquitaine 742, 744, 746 Conquest of much of Alemannia 743 Attack on Bavaria 744, 753, 758 Campaigns vs. Saxons
756/57 or Pippin exchanges embassies with Constantine V (r ) Map Link: Growth of Frankish Power: < maps/map067.jpgmaps/map067.jpg>
750 ‘Abbasid revolution Reign of ‘Abbasid caliph al-Mansur 756 Umayyad ‘Abd al-Rahman (r ) sets up emirate at Cordoba btw. 763 and 768 Pippin and al-Mansur exchange embassies
Donation of Constantine Exposed as forgery in 1439 Purportedly btw. Constantine (r ) and Pope Sylvester I (p ) Actual date: before 754? c. 756? early 800s?