Contents EULAs, piracy and copyright So why do we use computers anyway? So why do we use computers anyway? The Digital Divide The Digital Divide Glossary Glossary 2
EULAs, piracy and copyright 1. OVERVIEW. These license terms permit installation and use of one copy of the software on one device, along with other rights, all as described below. 2. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. Before you use the software under a license, you must assign that license to one device. That device is the “licensed device.” A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate device. a. Licensed Device. You may install and use one copy of the software on the licensed device. b. Portable Device. You may install another copy on a portable device for use by the single primary user of the licensed device. c. Separation of Components. The components of the software are licensed as a single unit. You may not separate the components and install them on different devices. These are actually legally binding contracts between you as the user and the software company. These license agreements are often termed EULAs or End-User Licence Agreements 3
EULAs, piracy and copyright Copyright is designed to protect intellectual property- normally indicated by the word Copyright or the © symbol followed by the name of the copyright owner and the year that the copyright was first applied Copyleft allows people to use and distribute work whilst still allowing the creator some control Creative Commons -style copyright licenses that allow you to use parts of, copy and distribute work for non-profit purposes. GNU / GPL license specifically designed for software 4
EULAs, piracy and copyright Piracy is the act of stealing intellectual property Buying one license & installing on multiple computers. Installing and using software that is not free without paying for it. Sharing software with friends and family (not permitted). Making copies of, sharing or downloading copies of media. Selling illegal copies of media or software. Large scale copying and selling of illegal counterfeit copies of media or software by pirate businesses. 5
So why do we use computers anyway? more accurate and reliable than people fast can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week cost less than people in the long run communicatio n faster, easier and cheaper reduce the need for other resources improve the effectiveness & running of a business 6
The Digital Divide Factors influencing the Digital Divide A lack of financial resources to purchase or access technology Differences in educational levels. The Age gap. Competition for financial resources. Disabilities 7
Written activity Activity 1 8
Glossary CopyleftCopyright Creative Commons Digital DivideEULAGNU / GPL Intellectual property Piracy 9