What What is this statement referring to?
Technology’s impact: Positive… Negative…
Technology Technology is the creation of tools or objects that both extend our natural abilities and alter our social environment It is hard to determine whether or not change begins with the individual or technology Some theorists believe that an invention such as a computer takes over our lives and that society simply reacts to the change
Impact of Technology: Sociological Theory Civilizations rise and fall based on their ability to adapt. Technology contributes to the rise and fall of a society. Despite some regression, society generally improves. Technology is instrumental in social change.
Think, Pair, Share Technology is NOT instrumental in social change
Impact of Technology: Anthropological Theory As societies interact, cultural sharing occurs. Technology tends to destabilize society. New technology forces society to find a way to overcome instability and create new balance. Thus technology forces change via adaptation.
Think, Pair, Share Do different cultures and socities always adapt successfully to new technologies?
Impact of Technology: Psychological Theory More mental stability in an individual means more stability in society (through technology). Technology arises out of the human need to achieve. Innovation is the result of individuals wanting to leave their mark on society.
Think, Pair, Share When would a technological change have a negative impact on an individual?
Coping with Technological Change New technologies equal new stresses for the individual. Technologies can have negative side effects: there’s always the issue of keeping up with the rate of change. Keeping up with the rate of technological change can result in cultural lag: During technological change, a society has to adapt and is temporarily destabilized. Resistance to the tech change causes a ‘cultural lag’ where people fall behind.
Impact of Technology on the Family After WWII, there was a mass culture in which people of all social classes in Canada could participate (e.g., radios and televisions were much more affordable). With this mass culture and the introduction of new technologies in the home, many changes occurred, namely the way families interacted (e.g., instead of doing puzzles together, families now listened to the radio or watched television together)
Changes in Land Use & Agriculture Hunter - Gatherer Horticultural Society Pastoral Society Agricultural Society Industrial Society Postindustrial Society
Your future… 10 top jobs that have not existed 10 years ago…
By 2049 it’s estimated that a $1000 computer…
Vertical farming technology should replace traditional agriculture??? 3 YES’s : 3 NO’s :
Technology and warwar Connect the two terms… MEDIA and WAR MEDIA and SOCIAL IDENTITY WAR and PSYCHOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and PEACE
Social Change: Test Review Social Change: Describe what it is & state the forces that influence it & impede it Conformity & Alienation: Describe both terms & state the positive & negative aspects of each Describe the following terms & state how each are related to Social Change: Social Norms, Anarchy & Activism Describe what Poverty is & give a brief overview of Poverty in Toronto Technology Change: Describe what it is & identify the difference in how Anthropologists, Sociologists, and Psychologist view the Impact of Technological Change