Ahmed B. Khairy, Ahmed B. Khairy, Ph.D. First–undersecretary For Cultural Affairs and Scientific Missions Ministry of Higher Education EGYPT C ross-orders & I nternational C ooperation D evelopments in E gypt
Alexandria Library, Nov , International Collaboration in Higher Education ministry is the responsibility of the Cultural Affairs and Scientific Missions Sector
Alexandria Library, Nov , The Sector Embodies Three Central Administrations of 1. Central Administration of Missions & Cultural Representation 3. Central Administration of Cultural Affairs 2. Central Administration of Overseas Students “Wafideen”
Alexandria Library, Nov , Head of Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector Missions and Cultural Representation Overseas Students Cultural Affairs Secretariats Board of Consultants & Development Project
Alexandria Library, Nov , Head of Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector Board of Consultants Secretariats Central Administration of Missions and Cultural Representation Central Administration of Cultural Affairs Central Administration of Non-Egyptian Students General Department Of Cultural Representation General Department of Missions General Department Of Cultural Researches General Department of Cultural Affairs General Department Of Non Egyptian Students Activities General Department of Non Egyptian Students Admission Technical office of The Head of the Sector
Alexandria Library, Nov , Central Administration of Missions and Cultural Representation "Students Out" Scientific missions are meant to serve Egyptian students studying abroad. Scientific missions are meant to serve Egyptian students studying abroad. Total number of Mission members from year 2000 to 2005 is 9580 Total number of Mission members from year 2000 to 2005 is 9580 Missions are classified as : Missions are classified as : –Full missions –Channel missions –Internal missions –Scientific missions
Alexandria Library, Nov , Missions during The total cost of Full Scholarships was L.E millions. The total cost of Full Scholarships was L.E millions. and L.E. 144 millions for all the rest. and L.E. 144 millions for all the rest. Full Scholarships 2032 Internal Missions 3380 Scientific Channel 2312 Scientific Missions 1856 Total9580
Alexandria Library, Nov , Beside many Scholarships granted directly from European, American and Japanese Universities to Egyptian postgraduate students ( scholarship/year). Beside many Scholarships granted directly from European, American and Japanese Universities to Egyptian postgraduate students ( scholarship/year).
Alexandria Library, Nov , Spectrum of International Collaboration in Postgraduate Studies Reform plan is in implementation that aims to : Reform plan is in implementation that aims to : –Integrate with the national strategy of scientific research. –Match the research fields with local needs. –Set economical viability measures for the cost/value of missions. –Build up the teams and groups that coordinate with international projects.
Alexandria Library, Nov , Mechanisms: Mechanisms: –Develop a set of centers of excellence (COE) in various disciplines. –Balance research on pure, basic and applied sciences. –Map-out the relationship between the COE,s and research units across Egypt, the region and the World. –Encourage international team work tasks. –Seek out local innovative ideas and concentrate on creative approaches. –Implement the regulations and legislations for COE. –Independence with a strategy of financial and institutional affairs. –Equipping with incubators, entrepreneurship and marketing polices and initiatives Spectrum of International Collaboration in Postgraduate Studies (cont’d)
Alexandria Library, Nov , Spectrum of International Collaboration in Postgraduate Studies (cont’d) Action: Action: –Postgraduate student are to register for degrees in such COE since their early diplomas or Masters. –Build up teams of verity in science and cognitive studies/basic and applied studies. –Collaboration agreements with corresponding centers worldwide; postgraduates are sent in groups. –Continual coordination with foreign COE,s within and outwith that process
Alexandria Library, Nov , Spectrum of International Collaboration in Postgraduate Studies (cont’d) Requirements ? –Welcome to collaboration offers worldwide, especially with COE,s
Alexandria Library, Nov , The Role of Egyptian Cultural & Educational Offices (Centers) Abroad Crews of these offices and centers are mainly to Crews of these offices and centers are mainly to promote Egypt abroad culturally, and promote Egypt abroad culturally, and encourage further collaboration with students and researchers from other countries encourage further collaboration with students and researchers from other countries
Alexandria Library, Nov , Map of Egyptian Cultural & Educational Offices (Centers) Abroad
Alexandria Library, Nov , The Role of Egyptian Cultural & Educational Offices (Centers) Abroad (cont’d) The reform plan is aiming to: The reform plan is aiming to: –Assess their performance, –Redistribute their whereabouts, and –Characterize their prime objective (Egypt-EU & Brussels)
Alexandria Library, Nov , The Role of Egyptian Cultural & Educational Offices (Centers) Abroad (cont’d) Requirements ? Visit the Egyptian centers of your interest & kindly feedback.
Alexandria Library, Nov , Central Administration of Overseas Students-Wafideen "Students In" Egypt welcomes in average 2700 students annually from many countries. Egypt welcomes in average 2700 students annually from many countries. Guides for attracting more students to join public and private Egyptian Institutions are available in Arabic, English and French. Guides for attracting more students to join public and private Egyptian Institutions are available in Arabic, English and French. A strategy for the years is set out to attract up to 100,000 foreign student. A strategy for the years is set out to attract up to 100,000 foreign student.
Alexandria Library, Nov , Non-Egyptian Students accepted into the Egyptian Universities and Institutes during YearUniversitiesInstitutesTotal 2000/ / / / / Total
Alexandria Library, Nov , Non-Egyptian Students accepted into the Egyptian Universities during the year 2004/2005 Area Number of Students Arab World 1196 Africa190 Asia216 Europe18 Total1620
Alexandria Library, Nov , Central Administration of Cultural Affairs Supervises the collaboration agreements and protocols between Egypt and other countries + Supervises the collaboration agreements and protocols between Egypt and other countries + The international representatives in Egypt such as: The international representatives in Egypt such as: –Fulbright Commission –UNESCO –Foreign Cultural Centers A review to assess the value of many collaboration agreements and executive programs is undertaken now. A review to assess the value of many collaboration agreements and executive programs is undertaken now.
Alexandria Library, Nov , Number of Agreements and Executive Programs for the year 2004 Area Number of Agreements Number of Executive Programs Arab World 2117 Africa3921 Asia1811 Europe3320 North America 52 South America 129 Total12880
Alexandria Library, Nov , Bilateral Agreements with Egyptian Universities and Institutes during Area Number of Agreements Arab World 192 Africa9 Asia158 Europe252 North America 93 South America 5 Total709
Alexandria Library, Nov , Number of Agreements According to specializations and countries Countriesspecializations Arab Countries European Countries Asian Countries USATotal Scientific Humanities and Arts Total
Alexandria Library, Nov , Thank You