$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Voc.McDonaldsFast FoodPeopleMisc.
What is the main reason food today uses so many additives? Category 1: $100: A
Because it loses much of its flavor through processing Category 1: $100: Q
A group of workers who join together to gain better wages and working conditions is called a what? Category 1: $200: A
A labor union Category 1: $200: Q
The McDonalds brothers began their first restaurant based on this system. Category 1: $300: A
An assembly line Category 1: $300: Q
What does it mean to own a franchise? Category 1: $400: A
A company can own many restaurants without spending too much money and allows local business men to make a lot without really learning how to run the restaurant. Category 1: $400: Q
What is the difference between a labor union and a collective? Category 1: $500: A
A labor union is workers joining together and a collective is a group of people working toward one specific goal Category 1: $500: Q
Why did the McDonald brothers close their first drive in restaurant? Category 2: $100: A
The kids stole the dishes and silverware Category 2: $100: Q
Who went into business with the McDonald brothers and made the business successful? Category 2: $200: A
Ray Kroc Category 2: $200: Q
Who are McDonald’s target customers? Category 2: $300: A
Children Category 2: $300: Q
McDonald’s appeals to children using what methods? Category 2: $400: A
Giving them fun food to eat, building playgrounds at restaurants, and giving them toys Category 2: $400: Q
Daily Double!!! Why did a Hindu attorney sue McDonald’s? Category 2: $500: A
Because McDonald’s used beef flavoring to cook their fries and beef is forbidden by his religion Category 2: $500: Q
The food item that makes the most money for fast food companies is what? Category 3: $100: A
Soda/pop Category 3: $100: Q
Compare the original price of French fries to the price of fries sold by a restaurant Category 3: $200: A
Fast food companies sell fries for prices that are 20 times higher than what they pay for them Category 3: $200: Q
What age group do fast food restaurants depend on for employees? Category 3: $300: A
Teenagers Category 3: $300: Q
Describe what McDonald’s has done to keep worker’s from forming a union. Category 3: $400: A
Raised salaries of workers, closed certain restaurants, hired extra workers. Category 3: $400: Q
Why do fast food companies like to hire teenagers? Category 3: $500: A
They do not have families to support, they are willing to accept low pay, and they are easy to control Category 3: $500: Q
What restaurant did Walt Anderson open to tell people the place was clean and the food was good? Category 4: $100: A
White Castle Category 4: $100: Q
Why did Charlie Nagreen invent the hamburger? Category 4: $200: A
So people could walk and eat at the same time Category 4: $200: Q
Eric Schlosser’s purpose in writing Chew on This was to what? Category 4: $300: A
To inform kids how fast food is made Category 4: $300: Q
Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, informed people of negative things happening in what industry? Category 4: $400: A
The meatpacking industry Category 4: $400: Q
Who is Alice Waters? Category 4: $500: A
She founded The Edible Schoolyard Category 4: $500: Q
What is a bacteria that can cause severe food poisoning? Category 5: $100: A
E.Coli O157:H7 Category 5: $100: Q
Channel One is an example of what? Category 5: $200: A
A company linking its product with school success. Another example of this is the BookIt Program at Pizza Hut Category 5: $200: Q
PETA issued a statement condemning what issue? Category 5: $300: A
Cruel treatment of chickens Category 5: $300: Q
What are some reasons that drive-in restaurants became popular? Category 5: $400: A
The weather was nice in California, ordinary people could afford cars, and people loved speed Category 5: $400: Q
Most advertisements are geared toward kids. What is their main goal? Category 5: $500: A
To get kids to nag their parents Category 5: $500: Q
FINAL JEOPARDY What did McDonald’s develop in 1983 to promote the idea of healthy eating?