EPA’s New Air Quality Standards. Topics The Revised Standards Our Current Readings Benefits Versus Costs Conformity – What Is It? Sources of Our Air Pollution.


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Presentation transcript:

EPA’s New Air Quality Standards

Topics The Revised Standards Our Current Readings Benefits Versus Costs Conformity – What Is It? Sources of Our Air Pollution A Related Air Quality Problem – Greenhouse Gases

ABC News – June 21, 2007 Stricter U.S. Smog Standards Proposed Health Advocates Say Government’s Proposed Ozone Standards Not Tough Enough

National Air Quality Standards Established By The Clean Air Act Of 1990 Standard was 85 parts per billion (ppb); now 75 ppb Fourth highest 8-hour reading each year averaged over 3 years; that average compared to ppb standard If average exceeds standard, area will be declared non-attainment Exceedances at ANY of four sites affects the designation for the entire three county area

Current Ozone Non-Attainment Area Status (based on air quality data)

Violating Counties – if current 3 year data used

MilestoneDate Signature—Final RuleMarch 2008 Effective Day of Rule (60 days following publication in Federal Register) June 2008 State Designation Recommendations to EPA March 2009 (based on data) Final DesignationsApproximately March 2010 MPOs Subject to ConformityApproximately May 2011 SIPs DueApproximately 2013 Attainment Dates depending on severity of problem Estimated Timeline for Revised Ozone NAAQS

Current Attainment Status: Seminole Community College, Seminole Co three-year running average = 72 Highest 2008 reading – 77 on May 06 Year4 th Highest 8 Hr AvgDate Mar Apr May 03

Current Attainment Status: Morse & Denning, Winter Park, Orange Co three-year running average = 75 Highest 2008 reading – 81 on May 06 Year4 th Highest 8 Hr AvgDate Apr Aug May 21

Current Attainment Status: Winegard Elementary, Pinecastle, Orange Co three-year running average = 75 Highest 2008 reading – 84 on May 06 Year4 th Highest 8 Hr AvgDate Apr May Apr 05

Current Attainment Status: Four Corners Fire Station, Osceola Co three-year running average = 72 Highest 2008 reading – 76 on May 13 Year4 th Highest 8 Hr AvgDate Apr May Apr 05

EPA Estimated Benefits In Implementing New Ozone Standard 380 cases of chronic bronchitis 1,000 cases of acute bronchitis 6,100 cases of aggravated asthma 11,600 cases of upper and lower respiratory symptoms 890 nonfatal heart attacks 1,900 hospital/emergency room visits 243,000 missed days of work or school 750,000 days of restricted activities because of ozone-related illnesses

EPA Estimated Costs For Implementing New Ozone Standard Low of $7.6 Billion annually in 2020 High of $8.8 Billion annually in 2020

Conformity “Conformity means that transportation activities will not cause or contribute to new air quality violations, worsen existing violations, or delay timely attainment of the relevant national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS).”

Newly Designated Non-Attainment Areas Must make the initial conformity determination for their Long Range Transportation Plan AND Transportation Improvement Program within 12 months of the effective date of the non-attainment designation. Initial conformity determination deadline currently estimated to be May 2011.

Key Component of Conformity Determination Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget EPA must find that the Budget is “adequate” Conformity includes both FHWA/FTA projects and regionally significant non-federal projects Some FHWA/FTA projects are exempt and do not have to be addressed under the transportation conformity rule. These include mass transit projects, high-occupancy vehicle projects and traffic signal synchronization projects.

How Often Is Conformity Determination Required? Every four years (same time as when Long Range Transportation Plan for nonattainment area is required to be updated) Or more frequently, whenever adopted Long Range Transportation Plan has a major amendment

Consequences of a Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget FACTORS Number of motor vehicles Composition and age of fleet Number of trips Vehicle miles of travel Growth of the area

Consequences of a Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget Computer models can calculate emissions for target year Unanticipated new developments Find offsetting emission reductions Deny development approvals Experience EPA funding sanctions

EPA Court Challenges US Supreme Court in 2001 upheld constitutionality of 1970 Clean Air Act Authorizes EPA to set air quality standards to protect public health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety Without considering the economic costs of implementing the standards

++ = Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Ozone (O 3 ) How Ozone Is Created

VOC Emissions by Sources

Mobile Sources VOC Emissions

NOx Emissions by Sources

Mobile Sources NOx Emissions

Related Air Quality Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gases Composition Carbon Dioxide – CO 2 Methane – CH 4 Nitrous Oxide – N 2 O Hydrofluorocarbon – HFC; Perfluorocarbon – PFC; Sulfur Hexafluoride – SF 6

Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) CO 2 emissions account for 92% of the total greenhouse gases emissions Transportation sector accounts for 44% of the total greenhouse gases emissions Light-duty vehicles (automobiles and light trucks) account for 25%+ of total greenhouse gases emissions

Florida Rulemaking Governor’s Executive Order Electric utility greenhouse gas emissions reductions Adoption of California motor vehicle emissions standard Adoption of a statewide diesel engine idle reduction standard State workshops held in Dec. 2007, Mar and Aug. 2008

Ways to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions Range of Options Reduce carbon content of fuel Reduce vehicle fuel consumption Transportation and land use strategies Freight transport and commercial traffic strategies

Barriers to Reducing CO 2 Counter-productive – in some cases, reducing carbon fuel content increases vehicle fuel consumption Increased costs - to produce and market alternative fuels such as ethanol or hydrogen or manufacture electric vehicles

Barriers to Reducing CO 2 Slow to show returns/benefits - transportation and land use strategies can require significant capital investments (commuter rail, light rail); and may require life style changes (carpools, telecommuting, flexible work schedules) May require legislative restrictions - freight and commercial traffic limits on operation (engine idling, truck-lanes only, truck speed limits) or significant capital investment (freight villages, new technologies)

In Summary Attainment – Can We Maintain It? What Can We Do? -Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Program -Special Fuels -Transit, HOV Lanes, Coordinated Signals -Lawn Equipment & Boat Motors

In Summary Planning For the Future – METROPLAN ORLANDO/ UCF Partnership - Contingency Plan - Updated Emissions Inventory